Include release disambiguation in suggested recordings

Currently release disambiguation text doesn’t seem to appear under the ‘suggested recordings’ list - can it please be added? (Specifically: next to release titles listed after ‘appears on’.)

My example is Release “War Horse” by John Williams - MusicBrainz - if I search for the recording Plowing both the soundtrack version and promo release version appear, but I can’t tell which is which without opening both (in this case the different lengths happen to make it clear).


I’d suggest adding disambiguations to the recordings if they differ.

But I’m seeing a different problem here. Why are the suggestions worse than the inline search?

The query was
(recording:(Plowing) AND arid:(53b106e7\-0cc6\-42cc\-ac95\-ed8d30a3a98e) AND (dur:([299780 TO 320780]) OR (NOT dur:[* TO *])))^2 OR (recording:(Plowing) AND dur:([299780 TO 320780]))