To give some actual numbers:
2k edits is only few days of edits for some editors:
If you look at Top editors overall Top 25 (all are autoeditors afaik), editors have between 300k and 2.3M edits) as today.
The XP system would just help to list possible candidates for wide autoeditor powers.
But what if someone is very proficient in a narrow field, shouldn’t the person granted more powers in this narrow field? Specialization is something useful too.
As an example, some editors are almost never creating new releases, but rather fix existing ones.
Some others are just adding/fixing cover art, while others never uploaded any cover art.
Some are adding tags to entities, while others never do.
Some are recording merging specialists, some are creating and associating works to recordings.
Someone can be a specialist in one band, being a total fan, IMHO this person could have auto-editor permissions for this artist and related entities (something we don’t have know).
Plus languages, countries, genres, time periods, in fact we have less wide-spectrum editors than narrow-spectrum editors IMHO.
Yes, it makes sense, i’m especially worried about editors obviously doing bad job, but still have a lot of ways to edit without any vote. Such system could at least restrict their actions a bit. Then they can either continue this way till a ban, or improve and get back to the right track.
That said, negative score is a bad idea, the worse score cannot be less than a new editor starting score, else people will just create new accounts.
But someone with 0 XP (because it was reduced or because it’s a new account) should have 0 auto-edit possibility.
I can’t think of any system that would not involved human or advanced AI.
What if we could just like/dislike edit notes (like we do with posts here) ?
Yes, that’s what i call “activity”, so voting should give XP as any other editor actions.
I think yes, but not sure if it’s technically feasible atm.
Good point, but the XP system on MB will not replace the vote system nor peer reviews.
But the current system isn’t that great as it let people do a lot of edits without any votes.
For example, an editor who joined only 3 months ago, currently very active, adding a lot of cover art (which are auto edits for all), with almost no one checking if correct, i’m the only subscriber (since today), no one ever votes on his edits, most of his edits have no edit notes (cover art is not “sourced”).
Fortunately in this case the editor isn’t doing too bad job AFAIK.
Do you think we can ensure quality if no one is reviewing / voting ?
Is there any reward for this very time consuming task ?
How do we encourage people about this ?
IMHO, having fine-grained privileges could help, only giving auto-edits to those that got accepted/voted Yes edits in this field.