How to handle multiple dialog tracks between listed songs?

Had trouble searching for any similar cases, so looking for opinions here. I have a tab open for adding the vinyl for the release “名犬ジョリィ うたとおはなし” (VGMdb, Discogs). The printed track list on the release shows 10 tracks, 5 per side (see below).

So I currently have the following prepared to submit

A1. 走れ!ジョリィ - 堀江美都子、ティティーネ&チルドレンコーラス
A2. ぼくはセバスチャン - 堀江美都子
A3. こんにちわったらワンワンワン - 市場 衛、森の木児童合唱団
A4. わすれないよぼくら - 堀江美都子
A5. ジョリィのうた - 堀江美都子、チルドレンコーラス
B1. 出発のうた - 堀江美都子、森の木児童合唱団
B2. レナが好き - 堀江美都子、ティティーネ・スケーベンス
B3. こいぬのうた - 柴田真理、森の木児童合唱団
B4. ちいさいおほしさま - 真理ヨシコ、ティティーネ・スケーベンス
B5. ふたりで半分こ - 堀江美都子、市場 衛、ティティーネ&チルドレンコーラス、森の木児童合唱団

However, I have a recording of this album, and it’s split into 18 tracks/files. The additional 8 tracks are because there are audio dramas between each musical track on the release (except for the gap between sides), which are not listed on the printed track list (drama credits are given though). The track listing in this case would be

A1. 走れ!ジョリィ - 堀江美都子、ティティーネ&チルドレンコーラス
A2. ドラマ
A3. ぼくはセバスチャン - 堀江美都子
A4. ドラマ
A5. こんにちわったらワンワンワン - 市場 衛、森の木児童合唱団
A6. ドラマ
A7. わすれないよぼくら - 堀江美都子
A8. ドラマ
A9. ジョリィのうた - 堀江美都子、チルドレンコーラス
B1. 出発のうた - 堀江美都子、森の木児童合唱団
B2. ドラマ
B3. レナが好き - 堀江美都子、ティティーネ・スケーベンス
B4. ドラマ
B5. こいぬのうた - 柴田真理、森の木児童合唱団
B6. ドラマ
B7. ちいさいおほしさま - 真理ヨシコ、ティティーネ・スケーベンス
B8. ドラマ
B9. ふたりで半分こ - 堀江美都子、市場 衛、ティティーネ&チルドレンコーラス、森の木児童合唱団

(I’ll worry about getting all the drama artists credited if this is the option I end up going with)

It feels wrong to create a MB release with this 18 track listing, since the intent seems to be that this is a 10 track release. However if that’s the case I’m wondering what the best way to handle the dramas is.

My first thought was combining the recordings. Tracks A1 and B5 already have recordings which match the contents on this vinyl (走れ!ジョリィ and ふたりで半分こ), so I’m inclined not to combine drama track time with either of them so those can be re-used. However this would mean dramas are prefixed to tracks A2-5 and appended to tracks B1-4. Artist credits, AcoustIDs, associated works, and the potential these tracks show up elsewhere is affected by this, so I’m not sure if combining makes sense.

The other option is of course to just enter 18 tracks, but then should the musical tracks still be labeled A1-B5? Is there some kind of sub-track notation that can be used? Maybe I’m overthinking this, but since both VGMdb and Discogs use the track list as appears I don’t have any precedent to justify this way of handling things.

Vinyl can be tricky as to exactly how it is sliced up. It is quite common to see this the other way round where a CD has ten tracks, but the vinyl was added with 13 as someone split track 2 into a,b,c or i,ii,iii parts due to how it was written on the rear cover.

Both methods are correct.

I would enter both, but do the 18 as a Pseudo Release so both options are available.

OR number as A1a, A1b, A2, A3a, A3b, etc.

I doubt you are the only one to have ripped your vinyl in this manner, and it will certainly make credits of all the parts easier.

I’ve seen some hard to find vinyl that was ripped and then released on popular pirate and torrent sites. Ripped three different ways. All three of these are in MusicBrainz as a separate “releases” with different track splits as they exist in that format.


Thank you for the feedback, I’m familiar with a few cases where some vinyl tracks are combined/split differently, but those are a little more forgiving since they tend to be the same artists playing with the works blending into each other.

I went ahead and made a pseudo-release with the A1a, A1b, etc numbering like you suggested. I don’t usually think about making pseudo releases so I’m glad you mentioned it.

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