How to find recording by area?

I want to find all the songs(recording) from Israel/Germany/USA.
I try to get data from the api and I can’t find a way of finding a recording by area.
I try a few links but I didn’t get what Im locking for .
a links for example:
how can I get it ?

second question:
I want to find all the songs(recording) from Israel/Germany/USA.
and then I need to catalog them by a year
for example :
all the songs from Germany between the years 1990-1991

thanks !!

It is huge request from 3 steps:

  1. find id Israel:
    in response id=“03691455-bb46-37e3-91d2-cb064a35ffcc”
  2. find artists from Israуl:
    one response has only 100 artists (from 1623), because need 16 requst with ofsset 0-17
  3. find recordings for every artist from 1623, for example

We have 1650 requests. For USA we have 106750 requests:):grinning:

There is no area field for recordings but there are several ways to associate recordings with areas through their relationships with Place, Release, and Work entities.