Crossposting from what are apparently the old forums…
I’m converting a library of around 800 albums to lossless digital format, and I’m only about 1/3 of the way through, but I’m tired of swapping CDs, so I decided to work on proper tagging for a bit. In this first batch, I’ve got about 12 discs that aren’t in the MusicBrainz database, and I figured I’d try to get them in there properly. This has been an awesome service, I can surely give at least a little back rather than just tagging it locally, right? Some aren’t too bad to figure out, but I’m struggling with this one here.
The album is Into the Mystic: An Instrumental Tribute to Van Morrison. It’s a group of musicians performing some classic Van Morrison songs without singing, and I have no idea how to tag track artists. The CD does list all the musicians that worked on it (a total of seven), but not who specifically performed on each song. Nobody listed as the editor / manager / etc. It appears like setting the release artist as “Various Artists” is appropriate, but then I don’t think I’m supposed to leave each track / recording listed that way. But I’m not sure what I should do - listing seven artists is both bulky and probably inaccurate, since I’m unsure if all seven performed on each track. Do I list the original artist (Van Morrison) even though he had nothing to do with the group recording this other than that they got the rights to do so?
I’ve got a few albums like this, but this one has the clearest bunch of data available (and it’s easy to find confirmation info on it online), so it seems like a good one to use as a template/case study. I’ve done a bunch of searching (until Google started giving me captchas because they apparently find site: searches to get suspicious after a while) looking for “cover albums”, “instrumental covers”, “classical cover”, and a number of variations thereof, without anything that looks like the right thing. Can someone point me in the correct direction?
Per a comment over there, I’m including photos of the cover / liner notes / rear of album (on Imgur).