How should we track ad-free and with-ads versions of podcast episodes?

Hi everyone,

I’ve added a few episodes of podcasts in the past but have held back on some due to not being sure of how to approach bonus/subscriber exclusive episodes that contain no adverts.

For example, the podcast No Such Thing As A Fish has a subscription option, where subscribers get ad-free and sponsor-segment-free versions of all main episodes. This means that athe most recent ~200 episodes have two versions, in a sense.

Are these two separate recordings, that should be stored in separate release groups (i.e. a regular episodes group and a subscribers-only episode group)? Or should the ad-free and regular episodes be stored in the same release group as two versions of the same recording? Or is there another way to show these two sets in parallel without it just looking like a lot of duplicates?


i’d say same release group, seperate releases, seperate recordings.

I’ve also found this with pods that have different length depending on what platform they’re being hosted on.

I don’t however create individual entities for pod’ platforms that “insert” ads by pausing the original audio file, playing 30 seconds of ads, and then resuming (Acast used to do this, Spotify still does this - it allows the “ads” to be dynamic and up to date advertising current products/services)

(edit - i moved this topic to MusicBrainz topic category as it makes more sense in there :slight_smile: )


Thank you for moving the topic over to the right place :slight_smile:


Yay, another podcast/broadcast editor! There are tens of us!!

Agreed with on all counts.

You might want to have a look at the broadcast (e.g. podcast) guidelines, which has links to some podcast examples. You’ll notice that there are a lot of release groups for podcast artists… perhaps not ideal, but that’s the MB style for podcasts.

p.s. the Q.I. Elves and No Such Thing As a Fish artists should probably be merged :thinking: