Forum notifications disabled for some users?

Multiple users have reported that they either didn’t receive a notification for replies to their topics or that it was turned off.

I have email notifications disabled for myself since I pop in at least once a day. But when enabled they worked as expected.

Additionally to the reports above I have also noticed some users requesting help but to never hear back after:

Not to mention that we haven’t heard much from @lukz for quite a while which worries some as AcoustID is breaking apart in the meantime. He might have his reasons though.

Since this Discourse instance seems to be updated regularly, incl. beta versions, might this have affected the configuration?


Discourse was upgraded to latest stable (2.5.1) 2 days ago and no obvious misbehavior was observed.
I checked most complaints and it seems the lack of notifications is mainly due to user preferences, not sure if upgrade affected them though.

About luks & AcoustID, no news from him yet :frowning: