Formats, credits and genres from comicogs

The same as posted in the bookogs topics here for comicogs. Genre maybe was a free text-field at the beginning, because it has multiple genres per entry and duplicates. Formats is pretty easy here. And the credit list isn’t that overcrowded like on bookogs.


       format        |  cnt  
 Digital             |    24
 Oversized Hardcover |   373
 Other               |  1063
 Hardcover           |  4813
                     |  9353
 Trade Paperback     | 10288
 Softcover           | 29156

Credit roles:

               role                |  cnt  
 Title Page Colors                 |     1
                                   |     1
 letterer                          |     2
 Cover-Artist                      |     3
 Model                             |     5
 Concept                           |     6
 Chairman                          |     8
 Project Originator                |     8
 Publisher                         |    12
 Reprint Editor                    |    12
 Circulation                       |    16
 ------                            |    19
 RI Cover Artist                   |    21
 Director of Publishing Operations |    40
 Technical Editor                  |    48
 Retouch                           |    58
 Photography By                    |    58
 Back Cover Artist                 |    64
 Breakdowns                        |    70
 Digital Assistant                 |    74
 Logo By                           |    98
 Dedicated                         |   129
 Sales Manager                     |   136
 Production Manager                |   147
 Publishing Director               |   148
 Separator                         |   157
 Proofreader                       |   163
 Cover Layout                      |   172
 Managing Editor                   |   182
 Article Writer                    |   201
 Consulting Editor                 |   222
 Coordinator                       |   282
 Adapted By                        |   297
 Senior Editor                     |   312
 Managing Director                 |   313
 Bound By                          |   316
 Project Manager                   |   357
 Vice President                    |   370
 Art Director                      |   391
 Plotter                           |   400
 Series Editor                     |   467
 Layout                            |   474
 Co-Artist                         |   491
 Cover Colorist                    |   499
 Manufactured By                   |   560
 President                         |   611
 Collection Editor                 |   644
 Imprint                           |   712
 Introduction By                   |   764
 Cover Penciler                    |   768
 Cover Inker                       |   772
 Executive Editor                  |   831
 Executive Producer                |  1019
 Creative Director                 |  1090
 Associate Editor                  |  1444
 Distributed By                    |  1847
 Original Publisher                |  2354
 Co-Author                         |  3104
 Assistant Editor                  |  3535
 Printed By                        |  3973
 Designer                          |  4239
 Published By                      |  5050
 Editor In Chief                   |  5074
 Creator                           |  7145
 Translator                        |  7234
 Copyright Holder                  | 10003
 Cover Artist                      | 15539
 Penciler                          | 15752
 Editor                            | 17394
 Letterer                          | 19237
 Inker                             | 21607
 Colorist                          | 21639
 Author                            | 31344
 Writer                            | 33839
 Artist                            | 36241


                   genre                  |  cnt  
 Horror, Fantasy, Action-Adventure       |     1
 fantasy                                 |     1
 Graphic Novel, Superhero                |     1
 crime rural noir                        |     1
 Action/Adventure, Science-Fiction       |     1
 Super Hero, Crime,                      |     1
 Horror, Graphic Novel, Fantasy          |     1
 Super Hero, Action                      |     1
 Science-Fiction                         |     1
 Action                                  |     1
                                         |     1
 crime, rural, noir, sci-fi              |     1
 Action/Adventure, Humor                 |     1
 spy                                     |     1
 superhero, fantasy                      |     1
 magic                                   |     1
 horror, mystery                         |     1
 Horror, Action/Adventure, Superhero     |     1
 Graphic Novel                           |     2
 sci-fi                                  |     2
 Crime, Fiction, Action, Science-Fiction |     2
 Sci-Fi                                  |     3
 Superhero, Horror, Action/Adventure     |     3
 horror sci-fi                           |     3
 horror                                  |     5
 horror, sci-fi                          |     8
 Super Hero                              |    11
 Science                                 |    34
 Music                                   |    49
 Advocacy                                |    54
 Cyberpunk                               |    54
 Art                                     |    56
 Literature                              |    70
 Martial-Arts                            |    90
 Short Stories                           |   107
 Romance                                 |   108
 Noir                                    |   115
 Biography                               |   132
 Religious                               |   184
 Auto-Biography                          |   252
 History                                 |   255
 Anthology                               |   257
 Mystery                                 |   292
 War                                     |   299
 Anthropomorphic                         |   328
 Crime                                   |   501
 Fiction                                 |   511
 Adult                                   |   536
 Childrens                               |   967
 Alternative                             |  1832
 Fantasy                                 |  2211
 Science Fiction                         |  3304
 Horror                                  |  4161
 Humor                                   |  5209
 Action/Adventure                        |  5577
                                         | 10887
 Superhero                               | 16581