FilmBrainz ideas thread (i.e. MovieBrainz, VideoBrainz, etc.)

Storing subtitles, commentary, and the like is something to be cautious about, as they might be (c). Which is not something to worry about at the start, but at a larger scale/higher visibility could end a project.

I’m not that familiar with stuff like the subtitle scene (which I assume exists). Is it all underground sites/lots of little sources, or is there a big main one?


Oh - no, of course I would not be taking anything copyrighted from the DVDs and making it available to others. Just the metadata describing what it is and its properties. Maybe a signature of the data so we can compare it to other versions (like average HSV in a frame, which allows you to compare an edition to another and to find where segments are different, without uploading anything copyrighted).


If this filmBrainz ever get made… does that also imply that there will be a watchBrainz that is similar to listenBrainz but that then will track your watch history and create recommendations and stuff?

Will there also be information about the contents of the video? How will we handle spoilers?

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Probably could see that happening, but keep in mind that MBz was around for quite a bit before LB appeared :smiley:

I think the initial aim is to cover metadata about the video, of course that could later develop into people adding trivia, goofs and such like

Well we wouldn’t - that’s onus is on you to be honest, is the same as if you were to visit IMDb, Wikipedia, Letterboxd etc.

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It might be covered in the thread already, but one thing I think could be interesting is recording the extras on these releases as that doesn’t seem to be something easily available.

So trivia about film and TV content is already available online at IMDb, TVTropes, and fan wikis. Technical details about main features (films and episodes) is available to some degree on IMDb, and about releases to some degree on But I’m not sure there exists anywhere a good index of extras, for example commentaries that can only be found on certain releases, or features that existed on older format releases that haven’t made the jump to newer editions. For the most part, extras would only be related to one or a few Works or a Series of Works, so it’s perhaps a bit niche.

Agree on keeping one format for films and TV together, somehow. You have some narratives that include both film and TV so being able to series them properly. I think someone mentioned already multiple ordering is important - production, broadcast, and physical disc ordering can be different for a show, and there’s perhaps an argument for chronological-by-narrative order (easier for film series where you say have three regular films then a prequel; for TV series it might be a bit messy).