There has been some discussion on ChatBrainz related to:
This is the non-fancy mockup from in the ticket:
Pulling the stats would be a step towards other possible features, like being able to filter searches based on listeners/popularity, and so on.
We were wondering if any MusicBrainz users would have pushback against this feature? @mr_monkey says: “I’m curious to hear arguments against it (other than “I don’t care about seeing them”)”
Pinging @jesus2099, who made the “MusicBrainz Hide ListenBrainz Player” userscript. If anyone knows others who may have constructive feedback feel free to ping them.
It needs to be a little out of the way, as it’s not the most critical information. On MB I look at barcodes, ISRCs, release dates, external links. I don’t want to add even more clutter in the middle
If performance is actually a concern, it needs to be loaded on the client side and not the server to improve load times (no idea if MB is server side rendered but it seems the case)
Listen counts on recordings are stuck. So it might be better to fix them first
If the user isn’t logged in LB, do not show “Your plays”, and instead add a link under “listeners” with the title “Add my listens”. It feels less like an external service you don’t need, and actually some part of Metabrainz
If it actually doesn’t go through… Userscript time?
On what entity page(s) would this appear?
I would probably add the Your plays: login (I don’t scrobble) to my Hide Play on ListenBraniz userstyle (I don’t have any streaming subscriptions)…
The stats would be nice, I guess.
Maybe also a link to the equivalent page(s) on LB?
Acutally, could you always show the stats and just hide the big Player button and the Your plays row when not logged in to LB?
This way, it would no longer bother the non-LB-users.
It probably should appear everywhere the data is available, aka Artist, release group, release, and recordings
As for the big button, I say keep it. It allows users to quickly listen to a track and thus check if it’s what they are looking for. But I wouldn’t mind having it be shrunk as it always has been out of place for me
Last time I checked it would just play a video from YouTube that matches the title, but it’s often someone singing karaoke.
I don’t have Streaming site subscriptions to listen to the actual track, if they even know all tracks.
Ah yes, brainz player can mess up sometimes. It just does a search of the Title + Artist (+ release coming really soon) on the streaming service and return the first result. So it depends on whether your track is more known or not. Most times it does works.
I would prefer if it took the linked urls of the recording but it’s planned. As a wise kiwi said, “Years, not decades”