Feedback and support thread for the Pulsewidth a-tisket instance

I think the algorithm being asked for is a little more complicated than that, but it’s a simple problem to understand (see below). The timezone of the Pulsewidth a-tisket server shouldn’t be criteria used here, IMO.

Basically, worldwide releases get released in New Zealand first, and then countries get added east-to-west: East Asia, Central Asia, Europe, America, etc. It is easy to detect if the currently available markets match up to places where it’s already past midnight, and where the currently not available markets match up to places where it’s not yet midnight.

As usual, users who lean heavily on seeding tools tend not to put a lot of thought into things like, did the iTunes Music Store exist prior to widespread adoption of the internet? Is it not yet midnight everywhere in the world? So if someone is trying to seed a release from today/tomorrow, they should not be using a snapshot of Spotify’s market data.


Relaying a Discord discussion (heavily truncated):

User 1: Does “MB: Enhanced Cover Art Uploads” not actually get the highest quality from apple?
I didn’t notice till just now, but the file it added for the last one I did was only 1.52MB where the one linked in atisket is 5.51MB
User 2: atisket is bruteforcing while ECAU tries to use the source in Apple Music API
User 1: Yeah I think you’re right. The atisket URL just seems to recompress to whatever setting the URL says, so they aren’t original and are just needlessly bloated. I will stick with the userscript. :+1:

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I’m personally against this, as there’s now reasons to import a release before it’s released. for example, ListenBrainz’s Fresh Releases page shows upcoming releases, and atisket is a great way to import them

now, there could maybe be a warning if the release is within a couple days of release, something along those lines. I just feel we shouldn’t disable submitting releases


I think we have very different ideas about what is “easy”.

I’m a little confused by this, as the releases on the fresh releases page are taken from MusicBrainz, so anything you see there is already in the database.

I’m talking about adding releases to the fresh releases page via importing with Atisket into MusicBrainz, not importing what’s already on MusicBrainz… lol


The easiest option would be to add a warning somewhere on a-tisket that the countries list isn’t necessarily accurate when the release date is a day before or after the current date.


The only thing I’m missing from this amazing tool is ISRC-numbers added to the tracks.

welcome to the forums, @abbedabb!~

it doesn’t automatically add them, but on the screen after you submit the edit, there should be a link below the album artwork to submit them from Spotify


Wow! I’ve totally missed that. :person_facepalming:t2:


Well, if maintaining a mapping of countries and timezones isn’t considered feasible, coupled with some rough threshold algorithm for determinig that it’s dealing with a release +/-1 day from today where the markets are chasing midnight… then I wouldn’t personally be opposed to blocking the seeding of release events for such a release. However, I don’t use a-tisket often, so I’m sure other users would have a different opinion.

Is anyone having trouble with Apple Music releases? As of today, I keep getting “No results could be retrieved”, sometimes it does find the release but then the release countries are incomplete and I have to submit it again multiple times until it’s completed. Pretty much impossible to use it like this.

It seems to work fine for me. Maybe you experienced a momentary API glitch?

Nope, still having issues.

First search:

Second search:

Hmm. Maybe this is yet another case of only Apple Music being available in (some of) those territories?

I wouldn’t outright block adding releases in advance but wouldn’t want to see incomplete tracklists or placeholders either.

As soon as something is released or more info becomes available people will have to rush to fix it, sometimes several editors even and might then vote against each other.

Especially “Track x” placeholders, speculative tracklists or cover art seem problematic.

What about comparing the release date against UTC-12 (also known as Anywhere on Earth) and if it’s still in the future show a warning or withhold the list?

Small (I hope) feature request, would it be possible to have an override for the label field and/or an option to use [no label] (or leave it blank). Often self-releases will have the artist name as label which is usually just a placeholder out of necessity.



Would it be possible to add an ETA to the warning so I don’t have to do math? :stuck_out_tongue:


Not a fan of discouraging entering data for upcoming releases, which I find very useful.

That said blanking the release countries is good, before release. Particularly if someone is adding it within that 24 hour release window.


So if it’s that huge messy list, just remove all the dates? What if it’s the all too common every country but Belarus type situation and not related to timing? (I see that happen a lot)

To clarify, my post is only about the warning message and behavior that was shared for if you add a release before the release date.

Which I believe is addressing this concern (release countries increasing throughout the 24 hour global release window, due to time zones?)

So no comment re. long release country lists in general, I’ve spent too much of my life on here doing that already :skull: