Feedback and support thread for the Pulsewidth a-tisket instance

+1 on these.

Creation date of these companies can be found on Wikipedia. (i.e. Spotify 2006) Also lists on there when they came online in various markets as it was not worldwide to start.

It is great seeing people using a-tisket to fill holes in discographies, but frustrating when we have to clean up after them and deleting yet another batch of 1990s dates.


Controversial solution: digital releases that are indistuinguishable from a phsyical release could be recorded by adding the spotify/deezer/apple/et al links to that release.

I’ve created a pr that implements this: ability to add edit-notes by reubot · Pull Request #14 · kepstin/magicisrc · GitHub

It can be tested at reubot’s MagicISRC. If nothing happens with the pr then adding my instance to a-tisket could be a solution.


I’m getting 403 errors when trying to reach this instance from a certain IP, is a server admin able to have a look, happy to provide the IP via message.

What’s the status of adding Tidal to the list of services? Don’t see any messages about it since back in February 2023.


Is there any way to lock-in or auto set the ‘Preferred countries’ field (to US in my case)? I’ve been using ISRC Hunt more as well as other links to atisket and I usually load the page twice because I’m working with US based artists (click link to atisket > set preferred countries field to US > click search again). Or is there maybe some way to append preferred_countries=us to the URL each time?


i have just been made aware that tidal has an open api available in beta since ~september 2023 Welcome to TIDAL Developer | TIDAL Developer Portal. it should be a fairly easy addition now

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Is it possible to improve this, to add External Spotify links to recordings?


@lightmaster @Xythium @hiabcwelcome I don’t believe @atj is doing much more than maintenance updates on a-tisket anymore (tho correct me if I’m wrong)… that said, I know @kellnerd has been working on an open source replacement (I think it’s called Harmony?), and will hopefully consider those features for it~

(I’d especially like to see a feature to add track links to recordings myself~)


Does anyone know why a-tisket and @Toad_King’s Apple Music script would give different barcodes for a release? I’m specifically thinking of ‎Mexican Standoff (Spanish Version) - Single - Album by Elbow - Apple Music, but I could probably find a few more examples from the same artist/label. Excluding Spotify and Deezer, a-tisket gives a barcode of 0602508553127. Toad King’s script says 00602508553134. The latter barcode appears to be unique to Apple Music.

Using Ame (Apple Music) the barcode shows up as 00602508553134 for me.

What’s weird is that atisket actually shows both barcodes, depending on how you search for it. If it’s searched with the URL, it spits out 0602508553127, but if you search for 00602508553134 directly, it’ll spit out the same apple music URL :smile:

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Universal Music is known to assign different barcodes depending on whether a digital release is 16bit or 24bit. In the cases where they provide Apple with a 24bit source, we get an Apple Digital Master (formerly known as “Mastered for iTunes”.) It seems that for some time now, the iTunes Lookup API has been matching both kinds of barcodes to the same Apple Music collection ID, but the “true” barcode for Apple Music would be the one that’s used for the 24bit version on other platforms, consistent with what Toad_King’s script shows.

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The thing is, the 24 bit barcode is 00602508553141 (see and Mexican Standoff (Spanish Version) by Elbow on TIDAL). While I don’t doubt that Apple Music gets its very own special, unique barcode because reasons, what I don’t understand is how a-tisket is getting “0602508553127” when it asks Apple Music “What is the barcode for 1487783493?”. The response should be “00602508553134”.

My understanding is a-tisket doesn’t have access to the paid Apple Music API, and instead spams the free iTunes Lookup API.


The barcodes that Toad King’s script finds are the correct ones. a-tisket came out at a time where barcodes were mainly found by the .jpg file. Barcodes no longer show up on iTunes APIs if released after a certain date, so it had to be changed. On digital releases I always run Apple Music on a-tisket first, by looking up the barcode using Toad King’s script and making sure that BOTH the Apple ID & Barcode are filled in. This is the only way to make sure it’s correct. If the Spotify & Deezer releases use the same barcode, they’ll show up. If not they’ll be excluded. Then run Spotify or Deezer again if they are not picked up on the first run, but this time make sure you check the box to not run iTunes. If you don’t it might pick up the Apple Music release even though it’s not the same barcode. I hope this makes some kind of since. Also, it’s very common for Apple to have their own unique barcodes because they issued different barcodes when they are Apple Digital Masters sometimes, even have their own unique ISRCs sometimes.


One other case where I’ve noticed a release can have mulitple barcodes is on some Japanese releases. They often have one for Japan and one for other regions, but on Apple Music they can often be combined and only one is displayed there. You can usually find the separate barcodes for those releases on Spotify if they’re streaming.

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Would certainly be interested in an opensource project like this, if what you say about @kellnerd working on one is correct

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Today iTunes didn’t work on a-tisket

it wasn’t working for me either, but I tried again today and it is now… idk

I forget if I’ve brought it up here before, but I’ve been having an issue where when I look up a Spotify release and set the preferred vendor to Deezer (since they more closely align with MusicBrainz style), it doesn’t find a Deezer release until I re-run the search. usually gives me an error that no UPC was provided, but it did find one and added it to the search form at the bottom

today, I tried doing the same as the above, but setting Spotify as the preferred vendor, and it did find the Deezer release without having to re-search, so I’m wondering if somewhere behind that dropdown it’s running a Deezer search before the UPC is retrieved from Spotify or something?

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