Feedback and support thread for the Pulsewidth a-tisket instance

Looks like the deezer api is down.

Yes, Deezer seems to be completely down - all requests are returning a 503 error. Not a good weekend to be an SRE at Deezer!


ProtonVPN is restricted now?

As I said above, I had to take the nuclear option as the ban evader was using VPNs to get around my blocking attempts. I’m considering removing the blocks but yes, if you’re using a VPN to access a-tisket you’re likely to be blocked I’m afraid. In the meantime you can message me via my MB profile and we can work on unblocking you.


Hello atj, thanks for all the support and work for this service.

I’m wondering how to deal with releases that are already on MB but have insufficient data. I usually look it up with a-tisket but regarding the release countries it’s too time consuming to add the data by hand. is there an option I was missing to add edits to an existing MB release?

Apologies, I realised I never replied to this. Yes it probably is possible (assuming you can seed links via URL parameters like we do with artists), but I’m afraid the cost/benefit ratio for implementing it is a bit high. Also, this functionality has never been requested before (AFAIR) so I don’t think there is much demand for it either.

No worries! No I’m afraid you’re not missing anything - there isn’t a way to add edits to an existing release. I would dearly love there to be but a-tisket is in a bug fixes, minor features and maintenance only phase at this point (for various reasons that I have explained before).

Better tools are coming though, and once we have a maintainable open source solution this sort of functionality will be implemented.


Note that the huge country lists generated by tools like atisket aren’t really as beneficial as they might look, the amount of data suggests an accuracy that just isn’t there and the concept of a release country for digital releases is problematic in the first place. Leaving the release country blank for digital releases is a perfectly valid thing to do.


When I have some time I’m going to work on making this the default when the release isn’t worldwide.

FYI the Spotify API is currently returning the following error, if anyone is wondering why lookups are failing:

upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: remote connection failure, transport failure reason: delayed connect error: 111


This change has been implemented. Release countries are now set via a drop down rather than a toggle button, as there are more options.

The default for non-worldwide releases has changed from multiple release events to a single event with the country unset. If you’re a masochist and like to have 180+ release events then you can select “All” from the drop down.

I expect there will be some bugs with this change due to various edge cases. Please report any issues here and I’ll try and fix them promptly.


Something must have gone haywire with this change, because now a-tisket doesn’t pull tracklists anymore.

Yes, same here. It’s very tiring to copy and paste entire tracklists with the track lengths too… Hopefully this can be fixed before this Friday’s new releases.

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This is resolved now. I was trying to silence some PHP warnings in the logs before I deployed the release country update and clearly didn’t do enough testing!

Apologies for any inconvenience.


Small thing: When I select Worldwide from pulldown menu, it still leaves release country blank.

a-tisket seems to have problems with Spotify prerelease listings

Just gives a 500 Internal Server Error
I suppose the API has no data for it?

The countdown is currently at 4 hours and I just found it by pure chance

Not sure that’s a small thing to be honest! Can you give me an example link where this happens?

Yep, Spotify returns an error and a-tisket doesn’t handle it:

    "error": {
        "status": 404,
        "message": "Non existing id: 'spotify:album:1Kqdup6HEqeP3hHXDELQHl'"

The error handling for API responses is pretty much non-existent unfortunately. I’ll look into what’s involved in fixing this. The API response is cached now so you it will probably need to be manually refreshed tomorrow.

Here’s an example I just added:
It only has IO exempted, which is considered Worldwide.

Spotify errors are handled properly now. Note that if the Spotify ID is the only source then you’ll just get a “No results could be retrieved” message. It’d be nice to print any specific errors too but that would require a lot of effort.

Sorry I’m unable to replicate this issue - the drop down works fine for me when set to worldwide. It relies on Javascript to work (as did the old button), so if you are using noscript or similar then that would be the cause.

Seems the tracklist is not loading again:


Sorry, fixed. :man_facepalming:t3:

Extra words to meet the character limit.

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Thanks for checking. Never had that issue before, but I do have some anti Malware/Virus programs that sometimes make things not work. I’ll double check the settings or put it as site exemption, just in case.

Update: Just double checked. I have nothing blocking this page at all. Nothing works on the pulldown, not even the all countries or worldwide selections. Fortunately, not a big deal, for me, because I have both the Worldwide script and the import release events script as backups if I need them. I’m using MS Edge if that makes any difference at all.