Feedback and support thread for the Pulsewidth a-tisket instance

Yes. India has its own Spotify IDs. Every time I get a release that’s everywhere except India on Spotify, I always check the India release and see if the barcode is the same. Almost always is, so same release. I don’t think it’s exclusive to BMG either but does seem to be only a Spotify thing. Maybe a deal they made to be in India. I’d also check the API on Deezer to see if it’s in India with the same barcode. That would negate having to check for the different Spotify release.

It is also worth remembering that India has only had Spotify since 2019.


Would it be too much trouble to add Japanese to that list too? I’ve been using a-tisket to import a lot of Japanese releases lately (and know of at least one other editor who does the same).

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I added Japanese to the language dropdown.



  1. are you willing to make the code for atisket opensource?
  2. will you be open to having it maintained by the community?

I would like to contribute some code.

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The problem here is, as I understand, that @marlonob , who is the original author, never put this under an open license. It had been requested before, but without their approval the current code base cannot be open sourced. marlonob has been inactive for several years now, so this is kind of stuck.


Spotify seems to have changed their links. I just copied the link from an album, and it looks like this: https:// spotify . link/ORjf5MptPDb

The tool doesn’t recognize this as a valid Spotify album link.

I believe that type of link is used exclusively by the mobile app

Yes, marlonob made the code available for download at some point a few years ago without any kind of license. I happened to download it before the link was subsequently removed and it sat on my hard drive for some time. I only began hosting my instance because some issues were reported with the original and it didn’t seem like they were going to be fixed.

I appreciate it’s frustrating but those of us who are familiar with open source know that releasing unlicensed code without the author’s consent is a big no no.

That’s because it isn’t a valid Spotify album link, it’s a link shortener. To query the API we need a release ID, which isn’t present in the URL.


Given that there is no license avaliable, is there a way to recreate the concept without copying the code and improve it along the way ? And then license it properly.

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I believe @kellnerd is working on a similar project at the moment, don’t know what kind of license they’re gonna be using offhand tho…


Currently only Deezer and iTunes are included, but once I’m satisfied with the basics I will open-source the code and accept contributions to support other providers.

From Discord server a week or so ago. So the plan is open source it sounds like. :metal:


Yes, I have been silently working on an a-tisket alternative called “Harmony” earlier this year. It’s not finished yet, but I’ve already posted two small teasers on IRC and on Discord (login required, sorry) for those of you which are curious.

Yes, it will be open-sourced once the code is in a “good shape”, most likely under the MIT license.

But… Before I will release the code and open it up for contributions, I would like to refactor it once more to make it easier to address one of its shortcomings (which is also one of a-tisket) and add a few more basic features. As I am still busy with other projects currently, the project is unlikely to be continued before the mid of November.

Once it is ready for release I will also create an official announcement post to invite the community to help testing and improving it, so please be patient a little longer :slight_smile:


PSA: I’m currently trying to block a serial ban evader who is using a-tisket to submit duplicate releases and wasting the admins valuable time. I’ve had to take the nuclear option and as a result there may be some collateral damage, so if you find yourself suddently receiving a “forbidden” error please let me know and I’ll sort it out. Apologies for any inconvenience.


Would it be possible to add a feature that generates a complimentary link that will add Apple Music, Deezer, and Spotify song links to each track in a release? I imagine that the code used to generate complementary links for artists to add streaming links to their MB profile could be reused in this feature.


I’ve also noticed this, and have always been manually changing the release title if I know it is supposed to be in Japanese instead of English or its Latin transliteration.

I believe the reason why iTunes has a need for the transliterated/translated release title is to avoid using non-latin characters in the URL, making it as universally accessible as possible. For example, the latest album I added is titled “わすれもの”, which is translated to “Something Forgotten”. The iTunes JP url is instead ofわすれもの-ep/1669409078. If an end user does not have CJK fonts installed, the latter URL would appear to be broken. Why they have to keep the translated/transliterated title as the collection name within the collection wrapper of the API results, I have no idea.

I also think it makes sense that retrieving the release name from the track wrapper of the API results is more appropriate than from the collection wrapper, since it is in the original language. However, for this to be implemented, we need to find out if this is also the case for releases in other languages. If my conjecture from above is true, we should also be seeing this especially for languages with non-Latin characters.


Hi, I am getting the forbidden error

Can you send me a message via my MusicBrainz profile please?

I’ll ask you to visit a specific URL so I can verify your IP and remove the block.

Sent you a PM. Thanks

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Is it down? I get a blank page when trying to search for Spotify album ID, log says error 500.