I think my request requires two parts, one a new webservice to be created and two a (change/choice) to the way Picard scans a cluster.
I don’t know about other people but if you scan a cluster to use the audio fingerprinting information your one album can get smeared across a number of different albums, sometimes nearly as many as there are tracks.
I think it would work better if it did this, scan a cluster and get all the possible recording mbid’s from Acoustid for each track, not just the first one. Do one batch submission to a new MusicBrainz web service that contains all the possible mbid’s for all songs in the cluster then using a query like the one below MB would return the most likely release mbid by number of tracks contained.
I have downloaded the MusicBrainz database and found this method is not only quick and accurate but also reduces the number of web-service calls dramatically.
If anyone can tell me where to make an official Feature Request then I will send it there too, however googling mainly sent me to the defunct forums.metabrainz.org which returns a 502 at the moment.
SQL query
SELECT TOP 5 rl.gid,
Count(rc.gid) AS [COUNT]
FROM recording rc
JOIN track t
ON rc.id = t.recording
JOIN medium m
ON m.id = t.medium
JOIN release rl
ON rl.id = m.release
WHERE rc.gid IN ( GUID, GUID, GUID, GUID, GUID, GUID, etc . . . )
GROUP BY rl.gid,
Thanks, Ill do that as well and put a link to it in this thread and leave this for anyone who might want to comment.
I’m having reasonable success with a .Net app I’ve written, I’m writing the release, recording and track mbid’s in the file then using Picard to do the rest. Mostly getting Gold albums, a few sliver with a track or two missing that the Acoustid wasn’t accurate I guess but they are easy enough to put drag into place. Takes about 30 seconds to automatically process a 20 track album.
Yes, scan only uses the fingerprints and ignores everything else. That’s why most people here recommend using Lookup (which makes use of existing tags and rakes clusters into account) first and Scan only if Lookup fails to give correct results.
But I like the idea of having a more intelligent thing, that combines both tools.
Unfortunately I have a large number of Albums that have no tags (except maybe the track number), the files are called Track1.mp3 etc and the only thing that helps identify them is the folder name. I’ve been scanning my cd’s in for about 18 years now and do a lot better job of it these days but when I started out it was a mess.
The musicbrainz plugin for mediamonkey works on a per album basis. You have to select each album individually and scan them and save them one at a time but it works on the same basis as you’re suggesting, so you may find it a useful stopgap until picard gets updated.
Yes you are right, that makes putting together a 3rd party app, or maybe a plugin easier. Would still like Picard to work like that in the first place though.