Everipedia links

Some of you may have heard that Wikipedia’s founder teamed up with the founders of Genius.com to start a new online encyclopedia called Everipedia (dubbed "Everyone’s Encyclopedia). One of the goals was to step away from the extreme limitations enforced by Wikipedia of what they consider “notable content”. In contrast, Everipedia allows all topics and entities to have their own pages, provided that they be sourced and referenced properly. All of the edits and page creations are monitored and voted on how accurate the information is, meaning that unlike Wikipedia, vandalism and spam does not go live. The website already has more entries than Wikipedia and is available across the globe (whereas Wikipedia is blocked in several countries). I’m not claiming to be an authority on this new encyclopedia, but those are the few things that I know.

I was hoping that MusicBrainz was ahead of me on that one and had already implemented an option in the Relationships, but there’s nothing so far. If you do a quick Google search, you’ll see that Everipedia is already a huge competitor of Wikipedia, so I think that it would be worthwhile for MusicBrainz to implement URL relationships from their website.

While originally, Wikipedia’s content was imported to Everipedia, several users have switched over (like myself) and are solely contributing and editing pages on Everipedia and not Wikipedia, meaning that the content on Everipedia is no longer simply a duplicate but has original content. It’s like having Webster’s dictionary next to Oxford’s dictionary. While at first they probably started with the same content, over time they each have their own definitions.


The company uses EOS blockchain technology and a cryptocurrency token called IQ

IQ tokens power the Everipedia Network. They are used to contribute content to our ever-growing knowledge base and to vote for / against new articles and edits to existing articles. Contributors are rewarded in the form of IQ tokens. In addition, each token holder can also vote on upgrades and modifications to the system.


When the voting period ends, the edit proposal is either accepted or rejected depending on the final vote tally. Voting is based on a majority rule: if there are more ‘accept’ votes than ‘reject’ votes, the edit is incorporated into the article and stored on the Everipedia Network; if there are more ‘reject’ votes than ‘accept’ votes, the edit proposal is not incorporated into the article.

If you vote with the majority, you will receive a reward that is proportional to the amount you vote.


A total of 500 IQ Tokens are distributed as rewards every 30 minutes. The IQ Rewards are split between editors who propose edits that are accepted and voters who vote with the majority. An individual IQ Reward is determined in proportion to the total value of a user’s contributions. This includes:

  • IQ staked for edits accepted on the network
  • IQ staked for votes votes in the majority

For each edit proposal and article created, there is a set proportion of rewards given to the editor and the majority voters. For any particular edit, the account responsible for the edit proposal earns 80% of the rewards and the voters who side in the majority form in a mini-pool and earn 20% of the rewards (with individual rewards determined in proportion to the amount of IQ used to vote).For example, if two voters vote on an article and one of them stakes 50 IQ to accept an article and the other stakes 25 IQ, the first voter earns twice the amount of voter rewards since they staked twice the amount of IQ to vote.

Why should one trust them or the articles there more than WP?

uBlock origin logger output
+3 ||fullstory.com^$third-party everipedia.org 3 script https://fullstory.com/s/fs.js
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+3 everipedia.org 1 image https://everipedia.org/images/RightNavArrow_white.png
+3 everipedia.org 1 image https://everipedia.org/images/LeftNavArrow_white.png
+2 everipedia.org 1 xhr https://api.everipedia.org/v2/stat/editor-leaderboard?period=today&cache=true
+2 everipedia.org 3 xhr https://api.buttercms.com/v2/content/?keys=excluded_list,featured_content&auth_token=241af9dd2f571aef0ad5ea448079194f9b17143c
+2 everipedia.org 1 image https://everipedia.org/images/randomizer.svg
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+2 everipedia.org 1 image https://everipedia.org/images/left_arrow_gray.svg
+2 everipedia.org 1 image https://everipedia.org/images/book.svg
+2 everipedia.org 1 xhr https://api.everipedia.org/v2/recent-activity/trending?limit=15&langs=en
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+1 ||connect.facebook.net^$third-party,~fb.com everipedia.org 3 script https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js
+1 google-analytics.com/analytics.js << everipedia.org script https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js
+1 ||google-analytics.com^ everipedia.org 3 script https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js
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+0 everipedia.org 1 image https://everipedia.org/favicon.ico
+0 everipedia.org 1 image https://everipedia.org/logo192.png
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+0 everipedia.org 3 css https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/antd/3.21.4/antd.min.css
Bonus points
molly.ns.cloudflare.com, ned.ns.cloudflare.com
Mail Exchangers
mx.zoho.com(10), mx2.zoho.com(20) 

I don’t understand how it works to go to other language than English, except tweaking the URL https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/David_Bowie into
https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_fr/David_Bowie manually.

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> [Coming Soon]


My bad, it’s there:

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Why should one trust them or the articles there more than WP?

It’s not a question of “trusting” one encyclopedia over another, it’s about acknowledging that there are alternate online encyclopedias than Wikipedia. Right now, MusicBrainz is only allowing links to Wikipedia, which is limiting the knowledge sources. I’m not here to recruit anyone or tell anyone not to contribute to Wikipedia, I’m just saying that there are other encyclopedias online which offer knowledge not covered by Wikipedia, and that MusicBrainz should be open to accepting those sources as well.


Do they have something like Wikidata for Wikipedia?
Otherwise we’ll end up with tons of Everipedia articles in different languages linked to the same artists and other entities.
Other than that I don’t see why we shouldn’t have a dedicated relationship type for Everipedia links - as long as that is all you’re asking for.

I wouldn’t like Everipedia replacing Wikipedia in terms of text displayed on MB. I don’t like anything I’ve heard about Everipedia this far. It’s a site hosted on an evil cloud (cloudflare) and run by a for-profit company.

There is the “other database” url relationship you can use. So there is no ban for Everipedia links.


There is the “other database” url relationship you can use. So there is no ban for Everipedia links.

I tried that already and MusicBrainz gives this error: “This URL is not allowed for the selected link type, or is incorrectly formatted.”

Hence why I started this thread in the first place.



This is the official list of databases allowed for the Other Databases relationship type. For adding new databases to the list, please follow the standard proposal procedure.


Other Databases Relationship Type / Whitelist - MusicBrainz

This is the official list of databases allowed for the Other Databases relationship type. For adding new databases to the list, please follow the standard proposal procedure.

That page also says “If any relevant previous discussion has happened (on the mailing lists, forums, IRC or even edit notes), be sure to link to that discussion from the ticket.”

Seeing as no one else ever brought up the discussion of Everipedia before, I thought that it was appropriate to have a Forum discussion first, and get community feedback before pitching it in to the Admin. I wasn’t trying to get a backlash from you guys.


If you think Everipedia is there to stay and might be of use for MB just go for it and make a ticket. :slight_smile:


Whilst the downsides of Everipedia exist it may be that they are not running a toxic harmful work environment for humans the way that Wikipedia is.

Which leaves the ethical situation unclear.


This relationship appears limited to a whitelist of recognized dbs.
Everipedia links are not accepted for this relationship.
(I just tried to add an EvPed link.)

If we must talk in terms of “banned”, which I think adds un-helpful emotion, then everipedia is currently " banned" from MB relationships.

Though it would be more accurate to say that Everipedia is not yet included in the “other databases” whitelist.

As per Chaban’s recommendation, I have gone ahead and created a ticket. Please feel free to pitch in and help out with it if you’re handy in the tickets.


One thing with regards to Everipedia links, there appear to be 3 URLs which link to the same article:



There’s also the Canadian Encyclopedia! (shameless plug) :stuck_out_tongue:



I’m all for adding the Canadian Encyclopedia too!

I made an account on Everipedia, how do you change your username ?? I’ve been assigned a random series of letters -.-

I was chatting with an Everipedia staff member today and asked the same question. Here’s the answer.

Is there a way to change my username on here instead of these random letters and numbers?

09:41 AM | William from Everipedia: Not yet! It’s something we want to implement, but we’re a bit constricted by the EOS system. Full user profiles with direct messaging, etc… is something we’re working on.


What do you mean? :confused:

She may refer to when the article page you wrote is deleted because it is “not notable enough”.

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