Events and labels do not get an MB icon in annotations

Is it possible to also display an icon on URLified events and labels in the annotation. As can be seen in the following screenshot

for example the event highlighted with " January 5" and the label with " Godfather" do not get the corresponding MB icon, but artists, release groups and works do.


Also instruments shoud get their MB icon as can be seen ( piano in this case ) in the following screenshot

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These icons are added by a userscript:



Ah … thx … never noticed … lets see what @jesus2099 can do about it

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“Label” was actually my fault … I used “labels” instead of “label” in the URLs.

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So what’s missing?
Apparently Events and Instruments…

Yes … That should be IT…


@jesus2099 … thx for the quick fix … events and intruments now have their MB icon.

But I just found out that Musicbrainz “area” is also missing. And while you’re at it, is it possible to also display the wikipedia icon for “Wikipedia” links. I use them a lot in my annotations.
Thanks for consideration …

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I’m afraid of opening the Pandora’s box with a first non-MB link (Wikipedia)…

I have added a ticket for area.

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Thx for the area ticket… and forget about the wikipedia link

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Area, event and instrument URL support was added! :wink: