I got
23505 DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “medium_uniq” DETAIL: Key (release, “position”)=(1943162, 2) already exists. [for Statement “INSERT INTO medium (release,name,position,format) VALUES (?,?,?,?) RETURNING id” with ParamValues: 1=‘1943162’, 2=‘’, 3=‘2’, 4=‘1’]
when correcting this release https://musicbrainz.org/release/c15f42a8-6bf2-428b-bee7-955194ce73c9
(separated medium into 2 discs, fixed artists and feat. artists, catalog number, barcode).
This is not the first time I got such a error message.
Screenshot of changes: http://www.spies-online.org/keep_calm_and_unwind.png
What I’m doing wrong?