Email sent to Centre de documentation Claude Debussy

Just a heads up to others here in case this does produce results. :grin:

Sir/Madam, excuse my lack of French.
The volunteer editors at Musicbrainz (the open-source encyclopedia of recorded music) have been focussing on recordings of Debussy this month.

If any of your members would like to inspect the current state of this effort the URL is

If they wish to edit MusicBrainz to add recordings they would be most welcome.

Any feedback or observations on the MusicBrainz project could be shared on the forums at

This notification is in no way official - I am just a volunteer on the project who is experimenting with facilitating outside groups interacting with MusicBrainz.

Thanks for your time
[name redacted]


If you ever need a French translation, I would happily help. :slight_smile: