Edge-cases for classical-adjacent composers

I’m not sure what to do in the case of contemporary composers whose works are sometimes performed by them, sometimes by others.

If I look for example at “Comptine d’un autre été, l’après-midi”, by Yann Tiersen, the recordings are a mix of recordings by himself and by others (see here).

They all have “Yann Tiersen” as the artist, which adheres to the guidelines for classical, as he’s the composer, but I find that creates confusion.

Should I just use the disambiguation field, or is there a better way?

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I see nothing wrong with a person being both composer and performer. Here’s an example I edited recently (looks like I need to add a space in the join phrase):

It doesn’t adhere to the guideline :slight_smile: The recording artists should be the performers, so only recordings actually performed by Tiersen should be here (fixing that can take quite a bit of time and research though, as someone who mostly does that kind of thing as an editor)

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Aaaah, yes, I got confused between recording artist and track artist!
Now I just have to find the performers of random versions, that’s going to be fun :slight_smile: