Eclipse Records got taken over by Eclipse Records // Original Label Discussion

actually i don’t know what should happen in this case, and before i answer anything wrong, what would be the correct way of handling this?

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Looks like that label entity got hijacked by another Eclipse Records
Eclipse Records from Arizona
Eclipse Records from New Jersey

I’d restore the original label, create a new one for the other and change release labels accordingly.


ok, i will ask him to reverse his edit ( also he has auto approval.

Well, it’s rather a messy one. The label was added referring to Discogs page of the Eclipse Records in Arizona:
A minute later the same editor added also a link to the official home page but unfortunately they got it wrong and it pointed to Eclipse Records in New Jersey:
So could have been kinda honest hijack.
I haven’t checked any of the releases listed there now, if the majority of them belong to NJ-based one maybe it’s easier (i.e. less editing) to just re-create the Arizona label?


Hi all, any info needed from me regarding this issue let me know, happy to provide it

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Oh my, we already have a candidate:


used it and moved the arizonean releases to it

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