Easier way to add digital releases?

Is there an easier method to adding digital releases other than MusicBrainz picard? I’ve come across dozens and dozens of releases that are missing and I try to add them little by little but its very time consuming. Maybe there’s a way to scrape tidal/deezer/qobuz pages and add them?

You might want to look into using one or more userscripts with your browser. There are a number of importer scripts available for various sites. A good list of available scripts can be found at Colby Ray’s Userscript Wiki page. There is also a guide on how to install userscripts available to help you through the process.

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for adding isrcs: https://magicisrc.kepstin.ca/


I think that External Resources - MusicBrainz Wiki is the canonical list.


Deezer is supported on https://atisket.pulsewidth.org.uk/


Be aware that the qobuz script no longer works since qobuz decided to unpublish their API. you can use this site though (which is also listed on the external resources page):


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I see one for Qobuz but nothing for Deezer or Tidal :frowning:

This is great! ty

I will test it out next time I come across an album not in MB


yambs allows you to paste a Bandcamp, Qobuz, or Tidal link into it and it will generate edits for you.

Most of the music that’s available on Tidal is also available on Spotify, Apple Music, or Deezer. My preferred way to add Tidal entries is to use this to find the barcode of the release I’m looking for, then paste the barcode into a-tisket and let a-tisket find the relevant releases on Apple Music, Spotify, and Deezer. a-tisket will then generate nearly all of the edits required to add a release and all I need to add is the Tidal link. The benefit of doing things this way is that Xythium’s Tidal tool will also give you track credits for each track when they are available.