Duplicate releases or different Cover Art?

I’ve found three releases that may be only one release.

This release
[ https://musicbrainz.org/release/38d16446-5abb-4171-8440-38f184a97574]
and this release
may be the same release as the oldest of the three

which has a Disc ID, has a one second difference in one track when compared to
which does not have a Disc ID.

Cover Art from In Hand Release with same Disc ID as https://musicbrainz.org/release/76749ead-eae2-4d09-ad42-449abf9bd114
has track times that match exactly with

Cover Art of Release In Hand appears identical to that currently associated with both

Barcode of Release In Hand is same as barcodes for both

Release In Hand has same label as Cover Art for
And Release In Hand has same label as current metadata for

Which seems pretty clearly to mean that there is really only one release here.

But then I notice that both
are consistent with each-other for track name variants:
Romances Et Vilancicos
Fantasie À 4
Folias Et Canarios
track name variants;
Romances & Vilancicos
A Quatre
Folias & Canarios
as found in the Cover Art for In Hand Release
And I wonder if there was another Cover Art tracklist distributed that is different to that of the In Hand Release.

Have I found 2 releases or 1 release? (I’m not seeing 3. :smile: )

Hard to understand what you mean.


I’ve attempted to increase clarity by editing the OP.

250,000 words in the language and yet talking about the overlaps and distinctions between 3 sets isn’t easy. Just what did they spend their time doing in the Olden Days?

If there is not enough information for you to discern the difference in the releases, then it’s not useful to anyone else either!
Please merge them and add as much information (scans?) from your release as possible so that if there is another version, someone can add it with confidence.

ps I did find scans on Discogs that you can compare with yours: https://www.discogs.com/Hespèrion-XX-Direction-Jordi-Savall-Vingt-Ans-Hespèrion-XX/release/11028055


Those Discogs scans appear identical to the Release In Hand.
After Google image searching and looking at other music databases and finding only the same one release, I conclude that there is only one release in this RG.


Do we have any proof of different cover art ?
This kind of release (Jordi Savall / Astrée) is very unlikely to have multiples editions, that was a small label. It was sold to Naïve in 1998, but i don’t think they ever re-released those.
It was released for the 20 years of the orchestra (formed in 1974).

Amazon (US/UK/FR) shows tons of shit about it, i managed to get another barcode 0329845637838 from ASINs but original release date is set to 1978 … and this barcode gives no result on google…

Imho that’s one release. I would merge 3 to 1 and do a clean up, adding your own scans.