Does This Actually Exist? A Thread Calling all Detectives

So I thought this might be useful to start, as I’ve got a case immediately… you ever come across something on MusicBrainz that you look at and think “I don’t think this actually exists”.

This is for stuff thats beyond obvious “spam”, but for things that seemingly don’t exist.

For example I found this band, Autophobia.

The editor hasn’t been seen since 2022.

They added all of the entries under Autophobia and accidentally (purposefully?) linked the recordings to the originals that this band are supposedly covering.

As someone who has a fair bit of interest in 2000’s punk/emo I was curious and started sleuthing…

I cannot find ANYTHING that confirms this band or any of their releases ever existed… and the OP didn’t provide any links or photos.

Are we safe to assume this doesn’t exist and should move forward to remove?


What do you want to remove? The band?

A quick web serach turns up gigs in their home town

same person appears as having been to one of their concerts

I don’t really know how works but it could just be more bogus data from the same person?

there’s also

Autophobia is a California based band that doesn’t exist yet. Please help us exist because we suck. Looking for people who also suck/are ok with sucking (so we can grow together)


The albums mainly, because they seemingly don’t exist in any capacity

Ugh this is why I hate web searches in the day of our lord 2025… why does one person get one set of results and another get something entirely different (I’m using DDG btw)

I believe is user contributed as well and if you look at the editing history this is all from “EnderSSB”

Hmm, not heard of this website

Just odd that the band has what amounts to zero net presence (considering one of the entries is an online performance apparently) - nothing on Facebook, Instagram… even the smallest bands often have something

Problem with YouTube is you can’t tell if this is Exits performing Autophobia, or Autophobia performing Exits.

Is it even the same Autophobia. Who can tell

I do like the way that MB documents obscure stuff that no one has heard of though…


That doesn’t seem right, that looks like a hardcore band whereas this band seems to be covering Pop Punk/Emo; also that video is 10 years old and their bandmix page states they’ve been together only 3 years

I searched “Autophobia gigs” in DDG. It is the context of the search as “autophobia” is clearly a “thing” so you have to add context to the search.

I also would not be surprised when a band has zero net presence. You could just do local gigs when trying to make it. Then fail to take off

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Maybe, still not sure about the releases that have been added - if they were CD’s then surely I’d be able to buy them somewhere or someone would be selling them on the second handmarket etc.

Oh same I agree big time, but I also know there are people who just add random shit to the database that doesn’t entirely exist - if the context was different (more mature editor, links to other profiles etc.) I wouldn’t be curious :stuck_out_tongue:

I have CDs released as CD-Rs of bands I saw at festivals. I have then never found them online or anywhere else. Which is a little annoying as I’d like a track list so I can add them to MB.

CD-Rs handed out at the performance.

2 Likes lists two members. Some Google searches for one of those names together with the band name leads to, with the title “Autophobia Marketing” and various photos. It seems pretty clear to me that the editor who added the data to MB is one of the members of the band.

As to whether the releases actually exist, I couldn’t turn up anything suggesting that they do. I’ve seen bands add non-existent prospective future releases to MB before, but since these allegedly already existed when they were added, I’d agree that it seems suspicious that there’s no trace of them online.


According to one of the members is
Richard Hawley and the band is based in Laguna Beach, CA.

It leads to this profile on Linkedin (photo matches):

But I found nothing about releases, apart few hints: says in Influences section:
Motion city soundtrack, Taking Back Sunday (Fred Era), The Matches, Johnny Manchild and the Poor Bastards.

And Edit #86801113 clearly adds a track called “Papercut Skin” which is from The Matches (

Edit #86800992 - MusicBrainz adds a track Lets Get Fucked Up and Die which matches L.G. Fuad - Wikipedia

Whether those are real or not, that’s hard to say.

Maybe contact the identified band’s member.