Do Artist-Work relationship such as Composer have an order

If for example there are multiple composer relationships for a work can you configure the order, or is it sorted by artist name is it just a set of relationships with no order.


Lists the composers in the related work in the following order:

Adam Clayton
Larry Mullen Jr
The Edge

But if sorted by name would be

Adam Clayton
Larry Mullen Jr
The Edge

and if sorted by sort name it would be

Bono (Bono)
Adam Clayton (Clayton, Adam)
The Edge (Edge, The)
Larry Mullen Jr (Mullen, Larry, Jr.)

But is enither, so I thought must be the name they are added in the work, but if you go to edit them at Log In - MusicBrainz they are listed as

Adam Clayton
Larry Mullen Jr
The Edge

so doesnt match, (but this is in name order so maybe always sorted by name on this page)

And then if I look at the database there doesn’t seem to be any kind of link sort field.

jthinksearch=# select t1.*, from l_recording_work t0 inner join l_artist_work t1 on t0.entity1=t1.entity1 inner join link t2 on inner join link_type t3 on and'composer' inner join musicbrainz.artist t4 on and t0.entity0=172336 order by;
   id   | link  | entity0 | entity1 | edits_pending |         last_updated          | link_order | entity0_credit | entity1_credit |       name
 282341 | 12757 |  237821 |  172336 |             0 | 2012-04-24 08:53:15.553476+00 |          0 |                |                | Adam Clayton
 530330 | 12757 |  237825 |  172336 |             0 | 2012-05-03 07:05:54.662564+00 |          0 |                |                | Larry Mullen, Jr.
 530332 | 12757 |   35575 |  172336 |             0 | 2018-06-04 12:00:45.259462+00 |          0 | Bono           |                | Bono
 530334 | 12757 |   36491 |  172336 |             0 | 2020-09-11 15:00:40.07596+00  |          0 | The Edge       |                | The Edge
(4 rows)

So follow up questions:

  1. If the order cannot be specified when they are added should it be possible to do?
  2. What order is currently used to display them on the recording page?
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There is no user-configurable order, as I recently mentioned here. If order is important to you, then you don’t want to use MusicBrainz to populate your %composer% field.

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ok thanks for confirming it is not stored in MusicBrainz