Updated with a workaround to allow duplicate values:
$noop(You can modify the sort name here if you wish. For example - swap prefixes etc.)
$noop(-- XXX: copymerge doesn't allow duplicate values.
$set(_fixedComposersSort,%_fixedComposersSort% %_currentComposerSort%)
$noop(Unset composers_sort if it's not necessary)
$noop(Map into MP3 / Vorbis / M4A - Picard apparently reads ALLCAPS m4a tags as lower case...)
$noop(Picard is case sensitive, so MP3 TXXX and MP4 tags must be manually handled)
$noop(-- XXX: copymerge doesn't allow duplicate values, so don't join from a multi-value.
$setmulti(%_composers_sort_field%,$join(%_fixedComposersSort%, ), )
$setmulti(%_composers_sort_field%,%_fixedComposersSort%, )
$noop(Flatten M4A instruments tag: Mutagen writes multi-value tags that can't be read correctly by foobar2000, Mp3tag, etc.)
$set(%_composers_sort_field%,$join($get(%_composers_sort_field%),; ))
$noop(Map into MP3 / Vorbis / M4A - Picard apparently reads ALLCAPS m4a tags as lower case...)
$noop(Picard is case sensitive, so MP3 TXXX and MP4 tags must be manually handled)
$setmulti(%_composers_field%,$join(%composer%, ), )
$noop(Flatten M4A instruments tag: Mutagen writes multi-value tags that can't be read correctly by foobar2000, Mp3tag, etc.)
$set(%_composers_field%,$join(%composer%,; ))