Digital releases: Merging? / Long country list? / Just [Worldwide]?

See also: A multi‐source seeder for digital releases

I believe that a‐tisket has been updated recently, because I tried to re-import a release, which was already imported into MB with 222 release events, and this time a‐tisket said that all of the Spotify/Deezer countries were accounted for, so it set the release to [Worldwide]. (Which I believe is the correct thing to do by the way.)

I actually sat down and compared the list of countries that Spotify/Deezer were presenting against ISO 3166-1:2013… because I thought it was strange that there were release events for Antarctica…

Short summary, Spotify and Deezer don’t list places like Puerto Rico, Vatican City, or the Isle of Man as countries where streaming is available… but I don’t think that means that streaming is actually excluded from any of these places…

I’m going to guess that if a release is available in the United States, then that probably includes Puerto Rico.

And if it’s available in Denmark, then it’s probably also available in the Faroe Islands and Greenland…

If it’s available in the UK, then that probably includes the Bailiwick of Jersey, Gibraltar, etc. etc.

France… Saint Martin, French Guiana, etc. etc.

I’m wondering who handles music licensing for Antarctica…

Oh yeah, by the way, these Spotify/Deezer releases are… apparently… licensed tor sale/performance in North Korea

(I mean, is that what a North Korea release event means? Spotify and Deezer don’t exclude North Korea… they explicitly claim that this release is available in North Korea, and Antarctica.)