A multi‐source seeder for digital releases

I’m going to use https://musicbrainz.org/release/b07273cc-8e61-4180-81d1-c57f9723427d as an example, because it has 222 releases (although the MusicBrainz UI shows 3 and hides “218” more under a link, that only adds up to 221. I think it may be a MusicBrainz UI bug.)

So… I want to know: Where is this release NOT available. There’s 27 additional countries in ISO 3166-1:2013

>                      name                     | code
> ----------------------------------------------+------
>  Aruba                                        | AW
>  Faroe Islands                                | FO
>  French Guiana                                | GF
>  French Polynesia                             | PF
>  French Southern Territories                  | TF
>  Gibraltar                                    | GI
>  Greenland                                    | GL
>  Guadeloupe                                   | GP
>  Guyana                                       | GY
>  Haiti                                        | HT
>  Martinique                                   | MQ
>  Mayotte                                      | YT
>  New Caledonia                                | NC
>  Puerto Rico                                  | PR
>  Réunion                                      | RE
>  San Marino                                   | SM
>  Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | SH
>  Saint Pierre and Miquelon                    | PM
>  Suriname                                     | SR
>  Vatican City                                 | VA
>  Wallis and Futuna                            | WF
>  [Worldwide]                                  | XW
>  Europe                                       | XE
>  Åland Islands                                | AX
>  Guernsey                                     | GG
>  Isle of Man                                  | IM
>  Jersey                                       | JE
>  Saint Barthélemy                             | BL
>  Saint Martin (French part)                   | MF
>  Kosovo                                       | XK
> (30 rows)

Well… Isle of Man only has 25 releases total in all of MusicBrainz… I’m guessing that Spotify doesn’t even recognize it…

Jersey only has 13 releases total in MusicBrainz…

Vatican City only has one release! I don’t think that this is because of regional licensing by record labels…

I don’t think Spotify considers Puerto Rico to be a separate licensing area from the United States…

Oh, I just looked up that singular release at the Vatican… https://musicbrainz.org/edit/65051708 That data came from Deezer

Anyway, I don’t think these countries are explicitly licensed such that these releases are explicitly not available… They’re just not explicitly included in the lists being returned by Spotify and Deezer… because they’re effectively worldwide, but Deezer doesn’t include or exclude the US Territories or the United Kingdom Overseas Territories… or the French département et régions d’outre-mer… at all