I’m making some small edits to this release, and came across an issue: There are two images of the back cover and spines. They are identical, with the exception of the numbers I’ve circled in red in the screenshots below.
I can’t decide if these 5-digit numbers make these two different releases, or if it’s some sort of post-production stamp, in which case I would say they are the same release (and I can therefore remove the lower-resolution one). Does anyone recognize this type of artifact on CDs?
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Looks pretty much after production to me. Almost like a counter of a limited run.
Got any other from the same label? See if it pops up on any other examples.
I’ll take a look. This isn’t one of mine, just one I ran across.
When I see something like that with an unknown origin I would tend to leave both image examples in place until an explanation is found.
Interesting that the numbers are very close together, but in a different location. Almost as if it was hand stamped, but it is too perfectly aligned for a hand stamp.
I notice Discogs is 11512 and on the right.
I think they are just trying the “Limited Edition” game here…
Yeah, I came to the same conclusion, especially after I saw the Discogs entry. Leaving it alone.