Coverart Internet Archive problems?

It still is blocked by some according to the test of the Open Rights Group

Maybe the people of UK should look for an alternative government?

Vote one bunch of idiots out and replace them with another bunch of idiots. This year we’re due a change but nothing in reality changes. (This could go quickly off topic and should be in another thread)

The problem here is not the government, it is the dumb people who are sitting at ISPs adding stuff to block lists without thinking. That is just two mobile phone companies being listed there.

Edit: Did you read that page you linked? That is just pointing out it is the adult filters turned on by default. It is not really censorship when it is something the user can easily turn off with a simple phone call to their supplier.

Really that is about protecting dumb parents who give phones to their kids without thinking.

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tbh there is a lot of pr0n on and also WayBackMachine falls under the category of block-avoidance (something that you used to be able to do to get around pesky school/library web filters).

Ultimately, if you’re an fully grown consenting adult you might as well turn off the filter… then you’re free to look at books and boobies as you desire!

Anyway back on-topic; keep in mind that deals with a massive amount of data ingress and requests at times - this can mean things get slow, or so slow they time out.

Jason recently tweeted they had a pretty big DDoS attack a few days ago too:

So yeah, don’t be surprised when CAA stops working for a few hours.

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On, adult content filters load up a warning that says contact three if you want the filter removed, but only shows that access denied alert - and there’s no option to unblock it. The article may be old, but the site still appears to be blocked by three at least.

The general comment is the same though. Hassle Three as it is Three & O2 blocking it and nothing to do with Government. As notes there are all kinds of things in the archive. ISPs can just be dumb with their blocks. (I check my EE phone and no problems with access there)

I reached out to three and asked them remove the adult filter, and can now access Artwork is also loading in ListenBrainz. So three are just filtering out the site by default, but they will remove the filter after age verification.


This is useful for people to take on board. Default for many UK ISPs is to leave an Adult Filter turned on. Especially on mobile phones. Easy to request it is turned off.

Sometimes called a “Safety Filter” or other daft words. This was the idea of PM Cameron and the Daily Mail a few years back in one of their lame “Think of the Children” Internet safety campaigns. It was due to many parents giving mobiles to kids without keeping checks on what they access. /[end of dumb politics comment corner]

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