Classical release uploader based on selenium webdriver now available on github

This is the first time for me to share my code and to use github. :grinning:

Here it is:

I have developed a set of perl scripts that add a new release using the old fashioned html form (from Idagio or well formatted Discogs) and a common perl script that uses selenium webdriver to enter artist and work relationships. Im happy with the results, especially with work rels.

I was considering sharing those scripts but paused as I’m not sure what the allowable use of webdriver is. Is this a bot ? Or is that just another script to save editors time ?

Not a bot, as I do not automatically save, verification of data entered is strongly encouraged,

If you check my latest adds, they are done using those scripts, the only edits applied are for Release Title and misses on work rels.

Feedback is welcomed.

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Unless the edits are fully automated and unreviewed before they are entered it’s probably fine to use your own account otherwise a separate account is advised.

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Its not fully automated as I pause before saving, obviously there are inaccuracies especially with movements identifications.

scripts are now available at