Can someone give me some guidance with labels

i found this on the web it is to do with the labels word (word, inc.) and Maranatha! music
iv added the bit were word disrupted for Maranatha! music for the 12 years but the rest goes over my head a bit. how do i add this info. unless someone wonts to do it instead. :slight_smile: ill read in the morning any comments!+Music&source=bl&ots=MvhMunjsor&sig=ACfU3U0A62g_upaOpFWWptxi6vQE0z7-rA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBgPfsh6TtAhXaxjgGHUEfCIwQ6AEwDHoECAoQAg#v=onepage&q=WORD%20INC%20has%20purchased%20Maranatha!%20Music&f=false


probably should be word incorporated as that is there official name

no clue who corinthian group are