Bookmarklet for bulk-editing track titles

Just in case it’s useful to other editors, I’ve been using this bookmarklet to bulk-edit track titles from the tracklist tab in the release editor, usually when I need to fix a bunch of ETI:

javascript:(()=>{const t=document.querySelectorAll("input.track-name");if(!t.length){alert("No track inputs found");return}const n=prompt("Track title regexp");if(n===null)return;const r=prompt("Replacement");if(r===null)return;const c=new RegExp(n);for(const e of[...t]){const o=e.value.replace(c,r);o!==e.value&&(e.value=o,e.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")))}})();

(Non-minified version is at

It prompts for a regular expression to search for in each track title and then for a replacement pattern.

It can be handy for correcting non-parenthesized ETI. For this edit, I entered - ([^-]+)$ in the first prompt (to match space-dash-space-ETI at the ends of titles, capturing the ETI part) and ($1) in the second prompt (to replace with a space and then the original ETI in parentheses).

I’ve also used it to quickly remove repetitive ETI from the ends of track titles in live releases. For this edit, I entered - Live 1995$ in the first prompt (to match that string at the ends of titles) and then left the second prompt blank (to replace with nothing).


Hah, I’ve been doing something similar, but using the track parser and Notepad++ to mass fix titles with bad ETI (particularly from spotify)
Lately though the track parser isn’t splitting artists correctly, and I don’t know if it’s something i’m doing or if it’s a MB bug. I’ll be checking out your script and try and learn how to write my own version as well :smiley: