To summarise:
- Your musicbrainz account is not your bbc artist page.
- In musicbrainz do an artist search to see if your band exists in the database
- As there is not a “Duffy & Bird” artist entry representing your group in the database currently you will need to create a new entry.
- on the bottom of the search results there is A link to add an artist
- Please include as much information as you can and include links such as facebook soundcloud twitter etc.
- Once you click submit you should now have the artist page, What bbc want is the artist id, this is the last part of the url and is made of a long string of letters and numbers and dashes. They use our ID as a basis
- It would be useful to add an artist entry for members of your band so you can add and artist pages.
- link these back to your band’s artist page, go to the artist page, click edit, click the add relationship + button. paste the url of the artist that represents the members. select the member of relationship as the type.