Automatic concept translator for Weblate

The first translator is worse. It also translates programming language phrases.

The second one seems OK.

Are you trying to replace humans again? :rofl: Another example of machines make mistakes. Machines are dumb. This is why the translations rely on humans to get done.

Even if you had a plugin for Weblate that understood the programming bits, it still does not understand the context the words are used in.

What are you talking about?

See these two examples and you will understand.

Such short codes are easy to check and it works.

Google has made progress and is rarely wrong.


$performer(pattern="",join=", ")

Returns the performers where the performance type (e.g. “vocal”) matches pattern, joined by join.
You can specify a regular expression in the format /pattern/flags. flags are optional. Currently
the only supported flag is “i” (ignore case). For example $performer(/^guitars?$/i) matches the
performance type “guitar” or “Guitars”, but not e.g. “bass guitar”.

Since Picard 0.10

$performer(pattern="",join=", ")

Gibt die Interpreten zurück, deren Aufführungstyp (z. B. „Gesang“) mit pattern übereinstimmt, verbunden durch join.

Sie können einen regulären Ausdruck im Format /pattern/flags angeben. flags sind optional. Derzeit
ist das einzige unterstützte Flag „i“ (Groß-/Kleinschreibung ignorieren). Beispielsweise entspricht $performer(/^guitars?$/i) dem
Aufführungstyp „guitar“ oder „Guitars“, aber nicht z. B. „Bassgitarre“.

Seit Picard 0.10

$performer(pattern="",join=", ")

Renvoie les interprètes dont le type de performance (par exemple “vocal”) correspond à pattern, rejoint par join.
Vous pouvez spécifier une expression régulière au format /pattern/flags. flags sont facultatifs. Actuellement,
le seul indicateur pris en charge est “i” (ignorer la casse). Par exemple, $performer(/^guitars?$/i) correspond au
type de performance “guitare” ou “Guitares”, mais pas par exemple “guitare basse”.

Depuis Picard 0.10

$performer(pattern="",join=", ")

उन कलाकारों को लौटाता है जहाँ प्रदर्शन प्रकार (जैसे “वोकल”) pattern से मेल खाता है, join द्वारा जुड़ा हुआ है।

आप /pattern/flags प्रारूप में एक नियमित अभिव्यक्ति निर्दिष्ट कर सकते हैं। flags वैकल्पिक हैं। वर्तमान में
केवल समर्थित ध्वज “i” (केस को अनदेखा करें) है। उदाहरण के लिए $performer(/^guitars?$/i)
प्रदर्शन प्रकार “guitar” या “Guitars” से मेल खाता है, लेकिन उदाहरण के लिए “bass guitar” से नहीं।

पिकार्ड 0.10 के बाद से

The smartest machine is smarter than the stupidest human.

Truisms again, obvious truths.

What machines do you use?

Fuck IA

Edit 2024-09-02

Don’t worry, please, it was just a bad joke. :shushing_face:

:door: :man_walking::desktop_computer:

Edit 2024-09-03

I remember why I was so angry!!
I use Atlassian Confluence for work and I cannot disable this darn text selection AI popup, and it breaks Copy/Paste keyboard shortcuts!! :rage:

I’m not surprised, Atlassian has always been is so bad with user interfaces. :rofl:

Why should I fuck AI?

Google Translate is not AI.

Google does 90% of the work.

I just make minor corrections and accept them.

Weblate supports Automatic suggestions - Weblate 5.8 documentation but using Google Translate API doesn’t come for free, that is the main reason why it isn’t enabled in MetaBrainz Weblate.

Please note that it would only make suggestion and never submit the translation automatically because - as mentioned above - it still does not understand the context the words are used in, and also because it does not support homogeneity across translations (which is the purpose of the glossary).

It is completely fine to use an automatic translator to fill a draft, as long as you personally proofread it and fix any mismatch.


Everyone knows it perfectly well.

There are no difficult contexts in Weblate.

These are single words or phrases.

Sentences also exist separately and are not related to each other. There is no discussion or exchange of comments here.

I’m not sure what you are referring to with context. I have been using it in a broad meaning, see translation context, not just for the context keys (msgctxt) which are simple indeed but intended for humans (and probably not enough for bots) anyway.

What do you mean?

This is a simple translation.

“The table is blue. I like music.” - “Stół jest niebieski. Lubię muzykę.”

@yvanzo Provide your native language, I will translate it, and you will check whether Google Translator was able to understand the context.

Rather try with real examples:

  • Edit area
  • Reports
  • Single
  • Track artist

Please also consider the explanation that has been given above: There is a need for homogeneity across translations, which means that the same concept has to be translated with always the same words, whereas Google Translator happens to use different words because it isn’t limited to MusicBrainz. That is why we use a glossary.

Thanks for your willingness but I regularly use automatic translators already and I frequently notice that it requires manual adjustments.


See my post 8:

I am satisfied with Google Translator.

PL is already 96% ready.

If there is any Polishman here, I will be happy to talk to him.

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And please forgive my comment, over there.
I didn’t really understand this topic, in fact and it was just a bad joke. :shushing_face:

:door: :man_walking::desktop_computer:

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Killing Joke :wink:

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I completely agree with this post, but you didn’t make it clear beforehand that it wasn’t fully automatic. Instead you provided examples in your post 4 which actually are a good illustration that some manual work is still needed: The pattern /^guitars?$/i does match the English text “guitar” or “Guitars” but it doesn’t match the translations “guitare” ou “Guitares”.

To be fair, 94% is the number of translated (but unreviewed) strings in the component app of the project Picard. See the Polish language for all projects.

That would be a very useful indeed.

You can post a new topic with the tag pl_PL which stands for the Polish language, to ask for feedback from Polish-speaking people.

As a translator I always understand my own translations, but it can sometimes be understood differently by someone else. That is why a peer-review process of translations is also available in Weblate if wanted.

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It’s about workflow. :wink:

There are 415 characters in this English example with guitars.

Which will be faster: copy/paste or character by character? :wink:

Besides, nowadays you need to know at least 51% of English.

Anyone who does not know a foreign language should not even touch the computer. :wink:

As a Brit, the only foreign languages I know are American and Australian.