I added an audiobook in Bookbrainz and I see that Musicbrainz also includes audiobooks, Should I add it to Musicbrainz as well? Are there plans to integrate both Musicbrainz and Bookbrainz for audiobooks?
We had some discussions about this on a recent in-person BB meeting. IIRC the idea was “MB should contain the audio info and BB should still have basic data and the two can be interlinked” but @mr_monkey might want to correct me on something
There recently has been a small discussion about this topic here:
My position is clear but there has been no final decision yet
Sounds good, ill add it to musicbrainz as well and try to remember to like them when its implemented (or if one needs to be removed or whatever else needs to be done in the future depending on the route thats chosen).
Extending the thought a bit more, there are instructional book/audio packages (and book/audio/video) that might benefit from being crosslinked between BB and MB.