Artwork scans with color references

I messed around with Coca a little today and the results are pretty much identical with the profiles I generate with Rough Profiler when using identical algorithms (XYZ cLUT in this case). If the software reads your chart correctly you should be able to make it look virtually identical to mine.

1200px was actually added to CAA:
And Picard 2 will support it:
Changes to MBS aren’t done yet:

It requires old images to be reprocessed to generate 1200px thumbnails, not sure if it is finished yet or not though.


I added a “Raw/Unedited” type and changed the original image to have it. The name might not be ideal - happy to get improvement suggestions!


Shouldn’t the unedited be the standard and the edited be a type?
It seems more rare to have edited stuff so we would have to always check the unedited type?

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It’s mostly meant for stuff that’s clearly not directly usable for tagging. Most people crop their uploads a bit when they scan at least, unless they’re digital images that already work fine as-is :slight_smile:

I did say the name could be better if people have better ideas though! :wink: