Apple Digital Masters series causing editing problems

I’ve been meaning to bring this up for a long time. I know I added a ton of releases a while back to this “series,” and there are still editors adding this information as a “series.” This has made it impossible to edit all the releases attached to it. I’m asking editors to please stop adding releases to this series. I have GB speed and can no longer make even a single edit to a release event. I’m not sure if series were intended to be used like this, but this one and others, like TIDAL masters, Dolby Atmos, etc., will eventually become slow to edit as well. I wish there was another way to present this information, but I stopped adding releases to this series a while back because it was becoming so hard to edit them.


so i’m curious on this… you mention for example you can’t edit this -

but I can edit that release without much hassle (either Edit / Edit Relationships)

series should definitely be able to handle many thousands of entities - considering we have this series which is due to reach 250,000 entries (if not more if you want to track variations) eventually:

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I can edit relationships, no problem. I can’t edit the release events. I used to be eventually get them to go through after hitting enter multiple times. Now I get gateway timeouts every time. It used to handle single edits at a time without many timeouts. But now I try as much as ten times pressing the enter and they timeout. I can’t change that release from US to blank without it timing out.

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interesting - you’re right, i get a “error 504” when trying to commit any edit regarding the release event with that release.

Not sure why it being part/not part of a series would cause that, surely that would be auxillary to the actual release information.

The only time I recall us having issues with slow down is when the page renders data, not when it is being edited.

I think this one needs to be opened as a JIRA ticket tbh - I’ll raise one now unless you have?


ok so we’ve got a few tickets raised for this

created 10th Feb 2023 : MBS-12892

created 22nd October 2022 - MBS-12682

created 12 September 2021 - MBS-11955

this one is actually about the OverClocked ReMix series instead


Not sure why. But I know it is that series causing the issue. Edit #120415371 & Edit #120872535

yep but going by those JIRA tickets there is more of an underlying fault here, as other large Release Series seem to have this fault.

Reading between the lines it seems that it was hoped the changed to the edit pages would resolve this but I believe that is now done for release entities (maybe not series?) and the issue still stands

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It’s not exactly a valid release series either.

regardless of it being valid or not, the issue pertains that if a series gets too big it causes backend issues with editing which is what should really be addressed


… is the main ticket, I guess. So the combination of too many release events and the huge series is most likely the cause of this specific issue.


@HibiscusKazeneko , care to comment in the thread you’re using to justify the mass removal of releases from series?

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They are also deleting the Dolby Atmos series. And others.
Dolby Atmos - MusicBrainz
360 Reality Audio - MusicBrainz

I don’t see what is wrong with that kind of series.


I noticed the site was very slow this morning - enough to make me close it and do other things. Could these mass removals be causing the general slowness (e.g. adding new releases to non-famous artists)? I’m indifferent to whether they are “valid” as series, but if we have a technical issue causing the release event edits to be non-functional, I prefer to remove them.

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I want to avoid the issues presented by OP in this thread. Those series are so massive already (and there’s even more out there that we haven’t uncovered yet) that over time it will become impossible to edit the releases contained in the series without being hit with 504s every time.


There is nothing serial in nature (i.e., numbered) about random releases mastered by random people for random artists belonging to different record labels that aren’t collaborating with each other.


I wonder if a public collection would make more sense to “store” these releases, they all have something in common, at least.


That or a folksonomy tag. The latter is vulnerable to vandalism by trolls, however.


Yeah, agree with the “random mastering” on the Apple Masters releases. Not sure if that can be said about the Dolby Atmos\360 Audio\Surround releases.

A “Series” does not have to be in an order.

I’m not going to spend more time in this debate. I just find it strange that valid data is being removed without any discussion. Or allowing the site to get updated to handle these better.


I don’t see the point in removing data to try and work around obvious bugs and issues - just leave it as is and wait for the fix


from what I’ve seen, it’s marketed as a series, so I see no issue there for it being a series. a MusicBrainz series doesn’t require it be numbered, just look at 20th Century Masters or Spotify Sessions

I also think mass removal of legit data like this is a mistake, at least until we hear from a dev or our glorious style leader