API search equivalent of website's "Show all various artist release groups"

On an artist’s page on MB, you can filter to show release-groups that the artist appeared on with the “?va=1” query (such as https://musicbrainz.org/artist/4920655c-330b-4fc9-8a27-b91f2a92772d?va=1). Is this possible to complete via the API, and if so what syntax would be needed. I only want to return release-groups that the artist isn’t the main artist on (so Various Artist releases and other releases where the artist is featured). Thanks in advance for any help.


My solution for this came to “https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/?inc=releases+various-artists” and then sorting through each returned release using a dictionary to ensure release groups were only added once to the returned list.

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