Amazon releases

I was looking at this release:

and am pretty sure it is the same as this on Discogs, when reading the Amazon description:Äppelträdet

The MB entry only has a link to an Amazon item. To me it seems the release date there was the date the item was entered into that Amazon shop. But is is a release date when a shop decides to sell an already released item? My idea is to add that Discog link to the MB entry and update the release date. But is that how the MB world wants it?


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Unfortunately, Amazon is very unreliable. It is also by no means guaranteed that the same release will be purchased with another purchase of the same ASIN coded product. Forget about the date.

I don’t see a big problem with adding the link and making this release the one on Discogs. There’s hardly any information. Although there is little information about the release on Discogs either, and no mention of a download code (or whatever a “packaged flac rip” is).

Alternatively you could add a new release. :slight_smile:


Oh sorry, completely forgot to set the category! Thanks for setting it…

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