Alternative ways to find album covers

I recommend this site:

and Album Art Downloader



Yikes using ebay for artwork is not recommended at all.

You just need to uncheck it and there will be peace.

Sometimes EBay may be the only reference that can be located. Certainly not ideal, but I’ve solved a puzzle that way more than once. Especially getting to see the rear of a rare CD.

Quality may be rubbish, but at least you know it is matching a product being sold.


Hi first post, I usually use when searching or a cover and also if you don’t mind a little cl foo there is GitHub - desbma/sacad: Smart Automatic Cover Art Downloader

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Someone could make a list of releases without cover arts and hand out 100 items to each MB user to find them with the help of Album Art Downloader.

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impossible to achieve, there’s a lot of stuff in MusicBrainz that would neve have artwork as it was never released with it.

It also exists:


Most of the sources on Album Art Downloader cannot be verified. Places like Amazon and TheAudioDB just want artwork for a shop or tagging and are not as fussy as MB and Discogs for being an exact match to the actual release.


You can first check the cover on MB or Discogs and find a version of 1200px or more.

The circle with the letter “i” takes you to the portal where this cover is from.


In my collection of over 14k MP3s there are 1500 files without cover.

Life makes sense again. :wink:

It would be best, if record labels made vector graphics covers available straight from their disks.

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With this setting

I have 1300 songs without covers.

With default setting

I have 1200 songs without covers and only 2500 unique albums.

With this setting

I have 1500 songs without covers but 5000 unique albums.

The choice is simple.