Advice on website operation logic

The current operating logic seems a little confusing to me.
For example, add a release group, add a release, add a recording
And if the release version has only one single, the operation will be too cumbersome and complicated.
I felt that both the official release and the unofficial release should be added to the recording.
Release a single album by selecting a single from the recording
Release albums with multiple singles in the recording
Release groups through multiple selections in the album
I feel like that would be more logical.
Hope to improve.

when adding a release you can select the release group and match your tracks to existing records in the process. if they don’t exist yet, you can create them on the fly. no need to do these steps separately.


But it’s true that editing digital singles is so boring, due to that 1 1 1 aspect.

I mostly edit physical albums, for other reasons.
Pretty sure it’s much more satisfying. :wink:

I know I can match existing recordings, but this is based on the information that has already been entered, and I also want to be able to select directly from the recordings and add a single or album by selecting the recordings
This subtracts the steps in the album that repeat the entry of the song title and time

I think: the initial addition of a single should be as simple as adding a recording, and can be edited again if more detailed editing is needed.
And when I use the software to submit local song information, it is also directly submitted to the recording project.
Adding distributions is too tedious…

There is now a problem with the operation logic and the distribution cannot be released by selecting the added recording. Unable to release albums via multiple recordings.

Now the logic seems to be that only from the release of the version group to add the release of the album, the release of the album to add the release of the single, the release of the single to add the recording.
You cannot make a combination by selecting items that have already been created.
Only duplicate information can be entered at this stage.
For example: I already have a recorded version called “AAA”, so I want to add a single now, I can only enter “AAA” again, enter the artist’s name again, select the media type and other information to add this released version.
It’s too tedious.

If there’s a recorded version, and I want to link it… This operation logic is too confusing.

I mean I want to add the recorded version first.
Then select one of them directly from the recorded version and set it as a single.
Select multiple albums directly from recordings or single albums.
Because the process of adding a recorded version is obviously faster, just type in: song name, artist name. Even the length of time can not be entered.


I am not sure if there is any ambiguity in the translator, so send it again in Chinese

Hi @suming, please continue our discussion at edit #104911947 here. Can you let us know what software you are using to recognize the tracks on MusicBrainz and how you are adding those standalone recordings?

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It’s still unrecognizable

I used this feature directly, and it added the recorded version.
Because the next item is to add the album. I don’t have his album. I just have this song.

In fact, the song tags in my local songs are more than enough for me to use, each with the song name, artist name, album name, song cover, etc. I only identify songs to make the label information more comprehensive.
But using this feature of the software’s submit for recording version, only the song name, artist name, and song length will be submitted. And the artist name needs to be manually entered again to match. No other information can be submitted, and the added information is also in the recorded version of the project.

To date, I still have 75 items that cannot be identified. But it seems that most of the songs already exist in the database (including my late additions). But they still can’t be identified

Thank you, suming. For other information of other editors, suming failed to match a local audio file using Picard and used the function in the context menu to submit standalone recordings of tracks Picard failed to recognize.

I still don’t understand this: what additional information do you gain for your local files when you submit them as standalone recordings?


Initially, I thought that he would submit all the important information on the label content that my local songs already have, such as the song title, artist, album title, song duration, cover art, etc. It wasn’t until later that I realized that it just submitted the length, title, artist.
Some songs no longer appear on the unrecognized list after I submit them. But a few won’t work no matter how many times I submit them.

Including this one, you should remember that I deliberately changed the traditional Chinese of this album that already exists in the database to simplified Chinese, but in this software, it is still in the unrecognized list

OK, let me fix the 莱芙 汪苏泷 release. You probably can’t match it because you only changed the release name to simplified Chinese but not the tracklist. In the future, don’t change the title or tracklist of a release simply because you can’t match it in Picard. Create a new release with simplified Chinese.