Adding non-music artists to complete the schedule of an event

I want to add MPS - Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum (You have to scroll a little to see the schedule) as an event with schedule.

Is it okay to add the non-music artists to have the schedule completed? Mainly there are Story tellers, walking acts (like “RaptoRex”, a guy with a dino costume), fire shows and (sword) fight demonstration. On the website the ones with a non-blue background.

For some points on the schedule there is no artist at all. Is it ok, to add them as a relation to [no artist] or another special purpose artist. Will write the name in the credited as field.

PS: Thanks to @reosarevok , I can now finally add the same artist to an event several times with different times.


We have non-music artists in the database, for instance when a poets work is put to music, the poet is entered as an artist. But in that case the focus is still on audio releases, so this widening of the scope is fairly limited. If we would allow any sort of non-music-performer-at-an-event into the database, this could result in millions of performers that have nothing to do with music/audio. I don’t think that’s where we want to go.

At the same time I understand why you would want this. To represent an event properly you would want to show all acts that are programmed. Also, @sanojjonas recently showed us how you could use MB-event-data to generate timetables for festivals. Such use-cases would be far more limited if non-music parts of events can’t be included in any way.

I am wondering if it’d be a good idea to have a special purpose artist for this, so we could input the ‘[placeholder] credited as artist-name’. That way we could truly show all elements of events without making every non-music element itself part of the MB-database.


+1 for special purpose artist!

Why a special artist? Isn’t this just an extension of the roles? MusicBrainz already have plenty of graphic artists, photographers, recording engineers, actors, presidents, Prime Ministers. Adding acrobats, mimes, impersonators, etc is just a few more roles.

The non-musician support teams who help create a Release already are covered. And many of the people who appear in speeches are covered and they rarely sing. A Prime Minister is not that far from a guy in a Dino costume… :grin: :t_rex:


My worry here is that we could go from “enter a few comedians on the fringe of a music festival” (which seems kind of ok) to “enter all the performers in a large performance arts festival or convention with a few musicians” (which seems way outside the scope of MB).


That seems sensible. Dave Gilmour in a Dino suit - worth documenting. Dave Smith in same suit is less interesting…

Not sure how far DinoBrainz would get. :laughing: