Would you like to test-drive our first recommendations feature?

I didn’t find recent playlists very interesting since they don’t contain anything I don’t already know, and they contain a lot of things I know all too well and don’t really like. My playlist contains mostly pop/rock artists that are very famous (Green Day, Foo Fighters, The Killers, Coldplay, Weezer, twenty one pilots, The Offspring, Kings of Leon). I feel like my music stats are more diverse since I like to dive into different genres over time, and not all but still a lot of the artists I like are a little more obscure then the ones mentioned.

On a side note: I am one of those people that doesn’t want to actually listen to these playlists, but who is interested in recommendations for discovering new music.


We are on the same page here.
One Way to find music I sometimes use is looking at the played titles a lot of posters here in the forum display. For instance I never heard something from King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard displayed by @RVMWSN at the moment. :wink:


Yep, understandable.

The daily-jams are intended to be pretty safe to listen to day-to-day. If there is a track that you don’t like, dislike the track on LB and the track will not be recommended to you again.

If you don’t actually listen to the playlists and only use them to discover new artists, then we have some better tools in the pipeline for you. Hopefully one will go into community preview in a few weeks, the other one will need to wait until autumn. :slight_smile:


Good to know! I am looking forward to that :slight_smile:

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I followed troibot but no daily playlist has been generated.
My nickname is stereobasis

I think in the next release of listenbrainz, the daily playlists will be generated for all users.

The system hasn’t been able to calculate recommendations yesterday near midnight. You can see that this endpoint returns 204:


Next monday recs should be generated and then you’ll get daily-jams.


I see that you’re following closely. :slight_smile:

It won’t be the next release, but an upcoming one – this PR will make weekly jams and weekly explorations for all users who have enough data for us to generate recs. First we need to ensure that the process runs smoothly for all users, then we’ll make an official release.


Set this up a few weeks ago and promptly forgot about it. Stumbled upon the recommendations today - great job!

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Thanks – the weekly playlists are currently updating daily, for testing purposes. Once we feel that this is stable, we’ll drop them back to weekly and push the release out.


P.S. This has been about 8 years going on 23 in the making!

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For some days now the Recommendation section contains the Weekly Exploration Playlist!. It is quite different than the Weekly Jams Playlist! and left me so curious, I connected my Spotify account to ListenBrainz. Now I have the option to export the recommended playlists to Spotify. It seems to work since I see the playlist in my library in Spotify but first I thought there to be a problem because of this reaction:

I got after clicking export to Spotify. It would be much more nice to get something like “playlist exported” as a reply. :thinking:
But I don’t want to forget my “Thank You!” for this new very interesting looking playlist “Weekly Exploration”! :+1:

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You’re on beta, which is running older code – this is fixed in production.

We’re still waiting to complete the autotmatic pushing of the playlists to spotfy, then we’re ready to release a new recommendations page with the two new playlists that will be generated each week. (they are being generated daily for testing currently).

Glad you like the new lists!

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Thank You! 15 minutes - that is really a very, very, … quick reply. :slightly_smiling_face:
And I thought the beta branch had the most current software! :wink:


We currently have no defined process for what is beta and what is on test – we coordinate as we see fit. We’re a bit different from the MB team in that regard. So, unless we specify, make no assumptions.


:grinning: Okay! - I’ll try.

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Hey, I’ve been following the bot for a while but I have never gotten a playlist recommendation (daily or otherwise), am I doing something wrong? My account is Drizzle3122

I don’t think you have enough listens just yet – see if that changes on monday.

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