Why standalone recordings are ingored in LB?

I listen many covers of different songs on YT and I sometimes add them as standalone recordings to MB’s DB. LB can count listens of these songs, but it never shows them on artist’s page

What do you mean by “it never shows them on artist’s page”? Is it the popular track part? If so, it’s just that this section hasn’t been refreshed since May (along side the listen counts).

On a side note, your cover recordings may actually be a release. Standalone recordings are mostly music videos of other recordings or recordings that is waiting to be released in a full album. YT only recordings can count as releases too!


I mean, standalone recordings don’t have their own section on the artist’s page “\https://listenbrainz.org/artist/[id]”. They don’t have any release group or something like that, and maybe because of that they never appear on these pages. I’m not sure.

See, for instance, “Swimming Cat”, “Алюминиевый дождь”, “Minachu”. They have only video recordings I added on MB and nothing apppers on their associated LB’s pages (Swimming Cat, Алюминиевый дождь, Minachu).

On a side note, your cover recordings may actually be a release. Standalone recordings are mostly music videos of other recordings or recordings that is waiting to be released in a full album. YT only recordings can count as releases too!

If so, I think that the problem is really they are not releases. Then it means I misunderstand the concept of “standalone recordings” and “singles”. What is the difference between them and how do I know which one I should use? I read discussion about it and didn’t understand what is a final decision. Most covers on YT, which is my main platform for listening to them, are maximum can be added as singles and not as a part of full album. And they often don’t have any version and won’t have on other streaming platforms, where it is much easier (at least for Spotify, because every track can be added as a single). @chaban also has explained to me that video recordings are always must be added as separate recordings.

Video recordings should be added as a different recording than the audio-only recording (the video is part of the recording, as such it’s not the same), but afaik they can simply be added as a release. Because once they are available on U2b they are released.

A single track from an album on bandcamp is something different, as the “release” is the album, a track singled out is a recording from that album, not a release on its own.

But in the links you show me, nowhere it is said that a U2b video isn’t a release. Only they should be added as a separate recording from the audio only version, even if the audio is identical. (A recording is a part of a release).

To me, the solution for your problem looks like just adding the U2b video as release, but create a new recording within the release (of the same work, and which can be connected through the releationships with the audio only version of the recording).

yes, video recordings and audio recordings should be two seperate things, as well as say, a YouTube video and an audio release (might not apply in these cases, but for future)

I believe the general practice has moved towards giving these releases instead of just standalone recordings, especially as they become more common (and in some cases, the only releases by an artist)

some examples might help. (note, there’s currently no consensus for release group type, some that editors use are single and other, I’m leaving them unspecified for now. either way, they’re almost certainly official)

these are also good examples of linking the videos to the audio recordings (which if they didn’t get released, they could be added as standalone recordings) and also works, like for A New Start here