Why does Picard not save Recording ID to tags even though it implies that it does?

The values in Picard makes it seem that the tag Musicbrainz Recording ID is saved to the tag but neither mediainfo, musicbee or VLC can’t find the recording ID in the tag.
Is this intended for some reason and it’s just confusing or some bug I got?

For ID3 tags (which are used with MP3 files), the recording id is saved in the UFID frame (see http://id3.org/id3v2.4.0-frames, scroll down to “4.1. Unique file identifier”), which might be treated different from other tags by software you mentioned. See also the tag mapping docs.

I assume VLC has some special handling here, since if you inspect the Metadata property of the MPRIS player interface exported by VLC on DBUS (this isn’t possible on Windows, I think), an “mb:trackId” with the recording id is included:


Ok, so it’s UFID and not TXXX like the others. Wonder how other software like musicbee can handle that, will need to check that later.

Anyway, if it’s intended then it’s fine, I just became confused trying to use the tags in Musicbee since every other musicbrainz tag worked fine except this one that didn’t seem to exist… Trying to set up some links to the different musicbrainz pages in musicbee, real nice to have in your music software.

The other software you see in that screenshot is Mediainfo v17.12 and not VLC by the way.

Thanks for the help, I’m now slightly less confused.

I use another program (foobar2000) which also doesn’t understand UFID tags but reads TXXX fine.

You can configure Picard to write TXXX at the same time with this code snippet…

$copy(_id3:TXXX:MUSICBRAINZ TRACK ID,musicbrainz_recordingid)


For questions like this see also the Picard Tag Mapping, it details how all the tag Picard knows about are written to different tag formats. If possible Picard tries to use standard tags that are commonly used for the purpose.

Also note that the MB recording ID is called “track ID” in most tags, while the track ID is therefore called “release track ID”. That has historical reasons from the time where there where only tracks, no recordings on MB (and the old track IDs later became the recording IDs)