New to the ecosystem. Is this (forum) the appropriate place to report delays with the acoustid.org web service? I know there’s this statistics page, but I didn’t see any place to submit issues or service outages.
(I’m at about the 24 hour mark waiting on a single fingerprint submission. It still reports as pending from api.acoustid.org/v2/submission_status)
Thanks. Yea, saw this popping up in threads on the forum. That’s fine. I just wasn’t sure if there was a more-preferred means they wanted us to raise reports of service interruptions.
Generally a thread like that pops up, @lukz name is chanted three times, and things happen in the background.
I guess there is a logjam as a knock-on from the CAA log jams. I expect the same people waiting to upload artwork have also been generally waiting until they uploaded new albums and therefore AcoustIDs…