What do YOU want in ListenBrainz?

I think they meant that the mapper should compare the “origin_url” field of the listen to an MB recording for the mapping, which would be nice too.

Sadly, there’s not much interest in implementing direct link from MB in brainzplayer as nobody set the recording URLs. If it did use it would make it more popular, but it’s still a chicken and egg situation

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Connecting Bandcamp to Listenbrainz would be great.
My first listen is usually on BC itself, which is never registered by LB.
Only the subsequent listenings after downloading.

you could use either a browser plugin or scrobbler app (depending on if you’re on computer or mobile). I personally use Web Scrobbler and Pano Scrobbler, both of which pick up Bandcamp listens


Would Web Scrobbler work as a temporary fix? That’s what I use to grab my listens from Pandora and I have the extension set to only pull data from Pandora and not any sites. I’ve never used Bandcamp, but it looks like Web Scrobbler supports it as well.


Does bandcamp even track your listens? Because if not that’s just not possible.

Although connecting brainzplayer to bandcamp could be nice

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Bandcamp does track listens for the artist/labels. You can get statistics for anything: plays, partial plays, skipped tracks and downloads.

I now installed web scrobbler, but I guess I need to install it on all computers I use to make it work properly if it’s not connected straight to LB.

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My understanding is that we will not be able to get an API key from bandcamp, as they are for artists/labels.
Even if we could get one, there is no way to get listens for a user (which is what we need in order to track your listening history).

And unfortunately —believe me, as an avid Bandcamp user, it kills me— there is no good way to implement streaming through Bandcamp as they do not have a player or an API to allow that.
The only available option is their embedded players, which we can’t control programmatically (so for example, can’t play the next track in a page when the current one ends).

I’ve been looking into this every six months with nothing but hope, and all the options are a no-go :frowning:


I had another user ask for this feature (showing personal listen count on artist/album pages) on Mastodon. I assumed there would be a ticket, but I can’t find it! Is it possible that there isn’t one @mr_monkey? I can make one if not.

Here is the feature request (link):


The closest I found is https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-744 which I renamed a bit to make it clearer.

It is definitely a feature we want, but it is not an easy one to achieve.
As we are currently reworking the statistics infrastructure to allow for more flexibility, this feature could be a good candidate for an impactful improvement.


i don’t know if this is already been brought up.

but it would be cool if there would be a fresh events page, similar to fresh releases.
but it would display upcoming events (concerts/festivals)

similar to the fresh releases it would need a global/for you.
and i think the for you would need some location information.