What do YOU want in ListenBrainz?

OngakuKiroku should work for you.

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I would really like to be able to see my similarity to a user when on their profile, especially artists we have in common. It’s not like there’s a lot of social features but I think since we do a similarity assessment site-wide anyway we probably already know how similar any one user is to any other one user.


As someone who loves to talk music, it would be nice to be able to see “Oh hey you like them? I like them too!”


made a ticket for this, as I’d love to see it too~


Today I see news of a few things in KPop such a group ending, and members leaving. Made me think of something that would be neat to have. Last.fm already has their little graphs showing listen history over the last 6 months or something. But it would be neat to take that idea further and make a Listening Timeline. Show various events on the graph like new releases, member changes, group disbandment, concerts, etc so you can easy see how these events cause spikes in listens.


+1 to this~

adding to the idea (and this might only work for some artists), but we could even do a stacked area chart which shows what albums are being listened to (could do tracks too, but that would be a lot, methinks). random example from the Google machine:


I have been bored so I have been playing with an export of my ListenBrainz data and trying to make visuals for ideas I’ve had for LB. I thought I’d post some screen shots here as maybe one day similar things could be added to LB.
Here is my Discovery timeline. (min is the amount of listens I use to filter out artists, average listen a day shown, but does total as well) It’s a timeline of artists starting from when I first listened to them. I feel like I can do this slightly better still, my listening has increased over time so I feel like it’s skewed for more recent artists, but I’m not sure how I would handle long time artists I still listen to :thinking: But good enough for now.

This is on the main page of my silly little toy, and it shows my latest discoveries. This is kinda boring for my own stuff, but I’d love this on LB so I could see what other peoples newest discoveries are. Just looking at their top things for periods doesn’t always reflect what they recently found.

This chart shows my top artist(There is also ones for albums and recordings, but won’t post those) for each month going back to the start(Colours are randomly generated with the artist name as the seed, so when you see the same colour multiple times it’s the same artist… For those curious: Taeyeon)

One of the ideas I either posted here or mentioned on the discord server was a visual representation of a users… for lack of better term, library size. The songs a user listens to regularly. So far this is my best attempt at it, and yes, mine just keeps growing since I started using Plex smart playlists. I feel like for normal people it would be much more interesting as a persons music tastes change over time, like mine does in the first half. The way I currently decide on if it’s a regular or not is a minimum listen threshold, time since last listen, average time between listens, and a limit to how far we look back so it doesn’t skew things by comparing the whole time, for the graph I just go through time doing this for each date. Also this is fun for nostalgia, as on the actual page I have it so you can click any point and see a list of the songs in question, so you can go back and look at your top songs from any period of time.

Every site needs a word cloud, so here is one that is created from the recording names of items in my listening history.

That’s all my pretty pictures for now. Trying to think of more ideas, but there is limits to what can be done with just my own listens and not pulling extra data from MB to work with. Will update if I come up with anything else neat!
Edit: I attempted a weighted system for my discovery timeline

Basically I take my overall average listens per day, then weigh each month in my history against that so months with fewer listens are worth more, and months with more listens are worth less. That way it can adapt over time if a users listening increases or decreases, and artists you listen to for a long time won’t be negatively affected or benefited more(Take Taeyeon at the top around 2016-08-26 on my chart, compared to the previous version above). You can see more recently my artists do trend downward now though, but I think that’s because I have been pushing more to discover more artists, so individuals do a bit worse as there is so many I’m listening to(Maybe it should include a line chart indicating average artist discovered over time). Also for further comparison here is the same data with total listens as the metric. Also last note for my previous average chart, the average is between first and last listen, so if you stop listening to an artist they won’t slowly fall over time(unless you suddenly listen to them again…)


Fantastic work @DontMindMe !
I really love seeing people doing cool visualisations with their data!

Just last week @anshgoyal31 and I were discussing various improvements to the user stats page, including adding some new graphs.
I think the graphs you mentioned are particularly interesting.
I’ve arrived at the same conclusion as you, that we are lacking some good and easy to read representations of a user’s taste over time.
The artist discovery date, recent discoveries and most listened artists per month in particular give a really good bird’s eye view in my opinion. Love it!

Definitely! And probably sooner than you think :smiley:
Do we have your OK to take some inspiration from your examples? I suppose that was the goal in posting it here, but better to check.
If so, thanks in advance for exploring those avenues and saving us some time


better ways to look at your listen history stats beyond last week, last month, and last year are pretty high on my list personally (i.e. if I wanna look at my top artists in January this year, currently I can’t). perhaps also custom time-frames? say I want to see my top recordings in the second half of 2023 or during a two-week trip or something (which all could be extended to the art creator eventually)

that said, graphs are a great way to show more data, so I’m all for those too~

speaking of the art creator, I don’t think I shared the ticket for a recording template:

also, anything I post in this thread, y’all are welcome to use~


Of course, definitely! I would love to see them in ListenBrainz!


Been using LB for 3.5 months now and I have a few thoughts:
Overall a very great platform and is nice that there is a plugin for Jellyfin to add listening and favourite history.
Stats are helpful, but I’ve seen a few times where the generation of stats is delayed (like currently I don’t have any stats for the last 2 days). Also seeing top genres would be nice. Also is there a better way to show top albums, since currently albums that have more tracks will show higher on the list when you listen to the whole album (would calculating top album based on percentage of album listened to work better?).
Also how is similar artist calculated? Is it based on metadata or artist that are often listened together?
The new search feature looks promising but, as mention, the search icon is messed up on FF126.
Can’t wait to see what’s next for this platform!


Two random ideas from this morning:
A very popular feature for media players(Plex and Jellyfin included) is Sync play. I imagine that would be too much complexity to achieve on ListenBrainz, but, a more simple “Listen With” feature maybe? You go to a persons page who is listening to music, you hit Listen With, then it simply queues up whatever songs show up in their Now Playing. And say if it changes before X% of the song length it’s removed from yours since they skipped it or something so you don’t fall behind.

My big post from my ListenBrainz account (Edit: oops I linked the wrong post LOL) (I just use my editing account now to talk now since I edit more now).
Anyway, as that post probably made it clear, I don’t like any kind of bias/marketing/trends affecting what music I listen to, or what I like. So my idea today is Blind Discovery: Even though I try to keep an impartial opinion about an artist and judge a song just on the music, I am sure I have bias both positive and negative. So one of the ways I discover new music is playing a massive list(Over 4k) of music videos on my TV on shuffle and then add anything I like to my lists. So to get to the point, Blind Discovery would take highly recommended songs for me that I haven’t listened to before and play them in a player with no song information(So it would have to not send a now playing thing as well). I can’t see the artist, the song, etc. You could even add a thing for people to thumbs up or thumbs down before you reveal the song and would be used as feedback on how good the recommends are(Maybe also give an option to add to a playlist or heart it after as well).


Discord has a similar feature, when someone is listening to Spotify, you can “Listen Along” to whatever they are listening to.

I use it with friends all the time, its fun to listen along to an album and sharing thoughts on it as it plays.


As a radio DJ, it would be nice if I could manually submit broadcasted music some way.
I don’t mean as “listens”, but as “broadcasts”.

That way I can keep track of what music I broadcasted, rather than just listened.


I have always thought this was no-brainer for LB!

I had already slipped a version of this into the LB redesign Figma file, but nobody took the bait :smiley:

I have now moved the idea into a ticket, see what you think (I had to rush a bit):


We basically had a similar feature in a previous iteration years ago, but I think we just didn’t have enough people using ListenBrainz then for anyone to actually use it.
It got removed a while back, probably for the best as it gives us a new opportunity to make it better :slight_smile:


I’m not clear on what the difference entails. Could you explain it to me in other words?
In my mind playlists seem like the best way to accomplish that currently, but it’s a manual process.

When I listen to a track or album, I listened to it.
When I broadcast it on the radio, I didn’t listen to it (I did in a technical/practical way, but while it plays, I’m cueing the next track), I broadcasted it so many people were able to listen to it at the same time.

They require two different lists, as I don’t want to mix my listens with my work as radio DJ.

It’s a different data set. One wants to keep separate statistics of music broadcasted on a radio station, from personal listens.

Currently there is no way to keep that data separate, while it would (possibly) provide a great tool for radio stations worldwide to keep statistics of what music they played, as well as for musicians to be aware if, how many times, and when/where their music would have been broadcasted.

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Quick Review Export

I wish my loved tracks could be exported automatically to CritiqueBrainz as five-star track reviews and my hated tracks could be exported automatically as half-star or 1-star reviews.

Since I’m already rating them I wish I didn’t have to swap back over to CritiqueBrainz to copy all my ratings.

Edit: Changed “likes” to “loved” and “dislikes” to “hated”

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A quick search I didn’t see this mentioned yet so:

A feature in Plexamp and I’ve seen in other places is Today in History
I’m not sure the best way to implement this in ListenBrainz though. Maybe just with any artist the user listens to(in the last x amount of time)? Or it could be a daily playlist based on genres a user listens to? Or maybe if we could “follow” tags on ListenBrainz it could use tags we follow. For example I could follow K-Pop and it would build me a playlist based on artists tagged with that and events that match the current date?

Could be a fun way to discover new music in the genres you enjoy.