What do YOU want in ListenBrainz?

Following up again, we’ve added a number of graphs to the reports page (and are adding more!)


Feedback and feature requests are much appreciated!


I would very much welcome with open arms an easier way to get user’s play count on a track basis in the API, similarly to what last.fm has: https://www.last.fm/api/show/track.getInfo

I would like to update the track play counts in the player with what’s in LB and to do so currently I have to get the full scrobble history and calculate the needed info myself.

I can file a feature request if you want me to.


Could a listenbrainz scrobbler be integrated to the musicbrainz app?

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Could you open a ticket at tickets.metabrainz.org for us to discuss this in more detail? We have a recording count endpoint which returns the user’s top recordings with the play counts, which might be helpful here (https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/production/dev/api/#get--1-stats-user-(user_name)-recordings). But having a track based endpoint is something we’re open to if it’s really helpful.

I think the MusicBrainz android app already allows scrobbling to ListenBrainz. Let me confirm and get back to you on this.

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Hi @Lotheric, the app has a basic support for submitting listens but it has been tested only lightly. You can enable it from the settings inside the app.

In theory, it should work with all applications but different music players handle it differently so you can test if it works with the player of your choice correctly. If it doesn’t, you can report it and I’ll take a look into it.

The complete details of this deserve a post of its own. I’ll open a ticket and write up a community post as soon as possible to explain the scrobbling features of the app.



The new daily activity chart is very cool but is that mouse over effect really intentional? I think it would be much better without the flickering colours!

Forgot to reply here, but the mouseover effect was removed a few weeks ago because of this feedback.


How long does it take for the stats and graphs to appear after the last.fm import?

Hi, we currently update the stats on Tuesday and Friday every week. We are working on increasing the frequency of updates so that the stats are updated everyday.

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+1 Enable the option to remove / edit listens.

Removal of individual listens is now possible! https://twitter.com/ListenBrainz/status/1297655945938587654


This really is great, finally I can immediately get rid of accidentally submitted listens.

I also noticed that there is love / unlove functionality now, but there seems to be no API yet. Is this coming?

I noticed one thing: If you delete a listen imported from Spotify it comes back with the next Spotify refresh. Could this be avoided?


Finally :slight_smile: thanks for this feature!

Possible improvements:

  • delete all listens with same title/artist
  • allow to search and delete a set of listens
  • blacklist listens (so they aren’t added again)

Yeah, that’s a bug. will open a ticket and see what we can do about it.


I like the artist origins map, but I’m more interested in a map that shows the number of times I listened to artists per country instead of the number of artists I listened to per country.

With the current map, an artist I listened to once is counted as one, and an artist I listened to a hunderded times is counted as one. I would like to see the second artist to be counted as hundred instead. That would better reflect my listening habits when I’ve been listening to that Antarctican artist all week and listened to a US artist only once.


I know there aren’t many contributors but here are my ideas that you may or may not implement in the future:

  • ability to search through your listens
    • by track name, album, artist, time (last week, month etc.)
  • ability to download/export the reports and charts pages
    • maybe as a pdf/html or (what I think I’d prefer) a spreadsheet
    • or the ability to view historical reports/charts (like the premium feature on last.fm) but I think it’d take a lot of useless(?) space on the servers? I really don’t know
  • something similar to an “obscurity rating”; or maybe just a comparison to other ListenBrainz users
  • artist/recording pages
  • a way to sum up multiple releases into one recording
    • last.fm does this: if you listen to the same song from multiple releases (album, single, best of) it counts as one song for the stats; from what I understand, for ListenBrainz the same song from another release is treated as another son
    • a way to turn it on/off would be great (for example I would like for it to work like on last.fm, but maybe others prefer it working this way)
    • and also something similar to this: “integrating” songs from multiple sources (e.g. Spotify and another music app), which may not have the same metadata for the song (slightly different spelling etc.) into one song
      • I would really love this feature
  • live stats
    • I don’t know whether or not this is possible, but I’d really appreciate it
    • having to wait for varying intervals for the stats is not the best from the UX perspective ;p
      • sometimes I have to wait a week, sometimes two weeks; sometimes it will show a whole week, sometimes three days idk I tried to find a system behind it but wasn’t able do it ;p

But thank you for all the work you’ve put into the site till now! :smiley:


We’ve deployed a fix for this.

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At the moment what I most wanted was that listenbrainz could import from a file the entire listening history of the spotify, because Spotify has a tool that can export the reproduction history from up to one year ago (or more if you ask the spotify support). And congratulations to those who are developing the project, I’m really enjoying Listenbrainz, it’s getting better and better!